Spotted Laughingthrush

Spotted Laughingthrush / Ianthocincla ocellata

Spotted Laughingthrush

Here the details of the Spotted Laughingthrush named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ianthocincla ocellata
Protonym:  Cinclosoma ocellatum Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 no.5 p.55,56
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Leiothrichidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spolau1
Type Locality:  Himalayas; restricted to Darjeeling, West Bengal, by Baker, 1922, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, ed. 2, 1, p. 156.
Publish Year:  1831
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Garrulax Ϯ Spotted Laughingthrush G. ocellatus) Gr. ιονθος ionthos  young hair, down; Mod. L. cinclus  thrush  < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos  unidentified small waterside bird; "IANTHOCINCLA  ...  Typus genericus. Cinclosoma ocellatum, Vig.  Montium Himalayæ Incolæ.   The chief distinguishing characteristics of the genus Ianthocincla are the comparative length of the tarsus; the length of the hinder toe, and the great length of the claw by which it is terminated; the roundness, concavity, softness, and yielding character of the wings and tail; and the peculiar fullness, lightness, and downiness of the whole of the plumage, and particularly of that of the back and rump. The downy nature of the covering is alluded to in the generic name." (Gould 1835).   Var. Janthocincla, Xanthocincla, Yantocincla, Zanthocincla.

ocellata / ocellatum / ocellatus
L. ocellatus  ocellated, marked with eyelets < ocellus  eyelet  < dim. oculus  eye.
● ex “Capocier” or “Capolier” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 130, fig. 1 (syn. Prinia maculosa).
● ex “Caille de l’Isle de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Turnix).


Spotted Laughingthrush (griseicauda)
SCI Name: Ianthocincla ocellata griseicauda
Med. L. griseum grey; L. cauda tail.

Spotted Laughingthrush (ocellata)
SCI Name: Ianthocincla ocellata ocellata
ocellata / ocellatum / ocellatus
L. ocellatus  ocellated, marked with eyelets < ocellus  eyelet  < dim. oculus  eye.
● ex “Capocier” or “Capolier” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 130, fig. 1 (syn. Prinia maculosa).
● ex “Caille de l’Isle de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Turnix).

Spotted Laughingthrush (maculipectus)
SCI Name: Ianthocincla ocellata maculipectus
L. macula  spot; pectus, pectoris  breast.

Spotted Laughingthrush (artemisiae)
SCI Name: Ianthocincla ocellata artemisiae
● Artemisia, Queen of Caria and Halicarnassos, who married her own brother, the handsome Mausolus. Inconsolable at his death, she drank his ashes dissolved in wine and erected a splendid monument to his memory, the Mausoleum - one of the wonders of the ancient world (Garrulax).
● Botanical genus Artemisia Linnaeus, 1763, sagebrush  < Gr. myth. Artemis or Diana, the moon goddess skilled in the use of hallucinogenic plants (subsp. Molothrus ater).