Vietnamese Cutia

Vietnamese Cutia / Cutia legalleni

Vietnamese Cutia

Here the details of the Vietnamese Cutia named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cutia legalleni
Protonym:  Cutia nipalensis legalleni Ibis (11) 1 (4) p. 588-589, pl. XV
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Leiothrichidae /
Taxonomy Code:  viecut1
Type Locality:  Lang Bian Peaks [ca. lat. 12° 02'' N., long. 108° 26'' E.], Annam.
Publish Year:  1919
IUCN Status:  


(Leiothrichidae; Ϯ Himalayan Cutia C. nipalensis) Nepalese name Khutya for the Himalayan Cutia; "With these preliminary remarks I shall now attempt to characterise our bird, as the type of a new genus or sub-genus, either of the Lamprotorninæ or of the Crateropodinæ, as the learned shall please.  Cútia nobis.  Khutya (quasi Pedatus) of the Nipalese.  ...  Type Cútia Nipalensis, nobis.  Nos. 254, 255, of the new specimens and drawings in the possession of the Zoological Society. In order to illustrate the affinities of our bird, I proceed to compare it with Pastor roseus and with Lamprotornis spilopterus.  ...  As for our Cútia, amidst all its anomalies (so to speak) of external structure, there is certainly something Sturnine in its aspect; and, by the formation of its feet and wings, as well as by its variegated plumage, it bears some resemblance to Sturnella; a genus "leading directly to the true starlings."" (Hodgson 1837); "Cutia Hodgson, 1837, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 5 (1836), p. 772.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Cutia nipalensis Hodgson." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 384).
Synon. Heterornis.

Maurice Joseph Le Gallen (1873-1956) French colonial administrator,  Resident Superior in Cambodia 1914, Resident Superior in Tonkin 1915-1916, Gov. of Cochinchina 1916-1921 (Cutia).


Vietnamese Cutia (hoae)
SCI Name: Cutia legalleni hoae
Dinh Thi Hoa (b. 1961) Vietnamese businesswoman, sponsor of ornithology (subsp. Cutia legalleni).

Vietnamese Cutia (legalleni)
SCI Name: Cutia legalleni legalleni
Maurice Joseph Le Gallen (1873-1956) French colonial administrator,  Resident Superior in Cambodia 1914, Resident Superior in Tonkin 1915-1916, Gov. of Cochinchina 1916-1921 (Cutia).