White-bearded Antshrike

White-bearded Antshrike / Biatas nigropectus

White-bearded Antshrike

Here the details of the White-bearded Antshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Biatas nigropectus
Protonym:  Anabates nigro-pectus Rev.Mag.Zool.(2), 2 p.107 fig.3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whbant2
Type Locality:  South America, = vicinity of Rio de Janeiro by suggestion of Hellmayr, 1924.
Publish Year:  1850
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ White-bearded Antshrike B. nigropectus) Gr. βιατας biatas  forceful, mighty, potent  < βια bia  force, violence; "Gen. BIATAS ***)  Nob. — Kletter-Batara.  Biastes Rchb. 1853 (nec Panz.) 1806).   74.  1. B. nigropectus Nob.   Anabates nigropectus Lafr. R. Z. 1850. p. 107. t. 1. 3.— Biastes nigropectus Rchb. Handb. spec. Orn. 1. p. 175 Anm. — Burm. Th. Bras. III. p. 84.   ...   ***) Von βιατας βιαστης.  Diese Gattung gehört unbedingt hierher, da die Beschildung an beiden Seiten des Laufes ganz wie bei den Thamnophilinen ist." (Cabanis & Heine 1859); "Biatas Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., Th. 2, 1859-60 (1859), p. 19. New name for Biastes Reichenbach 1853, not of Panzer, 1806, Hymenoptera. Type, by monotypy, Anabates nigro-pectus Lafresnaye." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 162).
Synon. Biastes.

L. niger  black; pectus, pectoris  breast.