King Vulture

King Vulture / Sarcoramphus papa

King Vulture

Here the details of the King Vulture named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sarcoramphus papa
Protonym:  Vultur Papa Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.86
Taxonomy:  Cathartiformes / Cathartidae /
Taxonomy Code:  kinvul1
Type Locality:  'India occidentalis'' = Surinam, designated by Berlepsch, Nov. Zool., 15, 1908, p. 289.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Cathartidae; Ϯ King Vulture S. papa) Gr. σαρξ sarx, σαρκος sarkos  flesh; ῥαμφος rhamphos  bill; "Le genre sarcoramphe (sarcoramphus) qui signifie bec charnu, comprend les espèces de vautour, qui ont des crêtes ou caroncules charnues sur la tête ou aux environs du bec. Tels sont le condor, le papa, l'oricou, etc." (Duméril 1806); "Sarcoramphus Duméril, Zoölogie Analytique, 1806, p. 32. Type, by subsequent designation, Vultur papa Linné. (Vigors, Zoöl. Journ., 2, 1825, p. 381, note, and p. 384.)" (Peters 1931, 1, 189).
Var. Sarcorrhamphus, Sarcorhamphus, Sarcorhamphos, Saricramphus.
Synon. BreagypsGypagusGyparchus, Zopilotes.
● (syn. Vultur Ϯ Andean Condor V. gryphus) (see Vultur).

Late L. papa  pope  < L. papa  father, bishop  < Gr. παπας papas  father.
• "Fringilla Papa m.  ...  Er hält sich gern versteckt, ist äusserst phlegmatischer Natur" (von Kittlitz 1832); an allusion to the phlegmatic, seemingly thoughtful, and fearless nature of this finch, and its crimson cap and face (‡syn. Carpodacus ferreorostris).
• ex “Pape” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 159, fig. 2 (syn. Passerina ciris).
Manuscript name “Vultur papa” of Edwards 1737; "40. VULTUR.  ...  Papa.  3. V. naribus carunculatis, vertice colloque denudato.  Vultur elegans. Edv. av. 2. t. 2.  Vultur. Alb. av. 2. p. 4. t. 4.  Habitat in India occidentali.  Obs. Vultur. Alb. av. 3. p. 1. t. 1. an femina hujus?  Caput & Collum quasi excoriata retrahere potest intra  vaginam cutis plumosæ colli inferioris." (Linnaeus 1758).  This name is the third in avian nomenclature (Sarcoramphus).

‡ (syn. Carpodacus Ϯ Bonin Island Grosbeak C. ferreorostris) Specific name Fringilla papa von Kittlitz, 1832 (= syn. C. ferreorostris); Reichenbach's 1850, plate LXXIX, labelled Passerinae: Pyrrhulinae genuinae, shows the bulky head and bill of this grosbeak.