Rufous Bristlebird

Rufous Bristlebird / Dasyornis broadbenti

Rufous Bristlebird

Here the details of the Rufous Bristlebird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dasyornis broadbenti
Protonym:  Sphenura Broadbenti Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(3), 19 p.185
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Dasyornithidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rufbri1
Type Locality:  near Portland Bay, Victoria.
Publish Year:  1867
IUCN Status:  


(Dasyornithidae; Ϯ Eastern Bristlebird D. brachyperus) Gr. δασυς dasus  hairy; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "Genus.  DASYORNIS *.  Rostrum forte, subarcuatum, culmine carinato, mandibula superiori vix emarginata; naribus basalibus, ovalibus, longitudinalibus, membrana supra partim tectis.  Alæ breves, rotundæ: remige prima subbrevi, secunda tertia et quarta gradatim longioribus, quinta sexta et septima fere æqualibus longissimis, cæteris gradatim descrescentibus.  Cauda elongata, gradata.  Pedes subfortes, mediocres; halluce forti, ungue subelongato, arcuato; acrotarsiis scutellatis, paratarsiis integris.  Regio anteocularis vibrissis recumbentibus fortibus instructa.  Corporis plumarum pogonia decomposita.   This genus bears a very close resemblance to the group of Timalia of the Javanese ornithology. In the shortness and roundness of the wings, in the length and graduation of the tail, in the carinated bill, and in the loose and decomposed feathers of the body, it comes so close to that group that we should at once refer our species to it, were it not for the singular bristles that spring from the front of the forehead above the bill, and form a strongly distinguishing character.   ...   We have some grounds for thinking that with Timalia it may rather be referred to that place among the Thrushes where the species gradually pass into the Warblers, than to the present situation.  At the same time, it shows some resemblance to Megalurus, Horsf., and perhaps to Malurus, Vieill.   ...   *Δασυς hirsutus, and ορνις avis.   ...   1. AUSTRALIS.  ...  This bird Mr. Caley procured in a scrubby place on the north side of Paramatta.  He was able to ascertain nothing of its habits.  He calls it in his notes "Bristle Bird." " (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Dasyornis Vigors and Horsfield, 1827, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 15, p. 231. Type, by monotypy, Dasyornis australis Vigors and Horsfield = Turdus brachypterus Latham." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 409).
Var. Dasiornis.
Synon. Maccoyornis, Sittina, Sphenura.

Kendall Broadbent (1837-1911) English taxidermist, field ornithologist, settled in Australia 1853 (syn. Alisterus chloropterus, Dasyornis).


Rufous Bristlebird (caryochrous)
SCI Name: Dasyornis broadbenti caryochrous
Gr. καρυον karuon  walnut; χροα khroa, χροας khroas  complexion.

Rufous Bristlebird (broadbenti)
SCI Name: Dasyornis broadbenti broadbenti
Kendall Broadbent (1837-1911) English taxidermist, field ornithologist, settled in Australia 1853 (syn. Alisterus chloropterus, Dasyornis).

Rufous Bristlebird (litoralis)
SCI Name: Dasyornis broadbenti litoralis
L. litoralis littoral, of the shore < litus, litoris seashore, beach.