Southern Fulmar

Southern Fulmar / Fulmarus glacialoides

Southern Fulmar

Here the details of the Southern Fulmar named bird below:

SCI Name:  Fulmarus glacialoides
Protonym:  Procellaria glacialoides Ill.Zool.S.Afr. pl.51,text
Taxonomy:  Procellariiformes / Procellariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  souful1
Type Locality:  Cape seas.
Publish Year:  1840
IUCN Status:  


(Procellariidae; Ϯ Northern Fulmar F. glacialis) Old Norse name Fúlmár foul-mew or -gull, for the Northern Fulmar (cf. "Fulmarus, i.e. Fulix maris s. Avis marina fuliginosa; nomen sane corruptum minusque bene formatum" (Sundevall 1873)); "FULMARUS.  FULMAR.  Generic CharacterRostrum grossum, ad apicem dilatatum, sulcatum; mandibula superiore adunca; inferiore recta subtruncata.  Nares tubulatæ.  Pedes mediocres; unguis posticus  loco pollice.  ... FULMARUS. Leach. WAGELLUS. Ray. PROCELLARIA. Linn., Gmel., Lath., Briss.   THE Fulmars differ from their congeners in having the beak stronger, much hooked, suddenly swollen towards the tip, with the lower mandible somewhat truncated at the tip; the nostrils are united in a single groove or furrow on the beak: they are more diurnal than the others, and their nourishment chiefly consists of the flesh of dead cetacea, of mollusca, and vermes.  ...  NORTHERN FULMAR.  (Fulmarus glacialis)  ...  Its food consists principally of fish, but it will devour indiscriminately any floating putrid substances, such as the filth of ships, which it fearlessly follows. These birds also follow the tracks of the wounded whales, and, when they are exhausted, alight on the carcases by hundreds, and ravenously pluck off and devour lumps of the blubber until they are satiated. This gross food causes them to become excessively fat, and their stomachs are always charged with oil, which they have the power of ejecting with force from the beak; and when attacked squirt it into the face of their enemy.    ANTARCTIC FULMAR. (Fulmarus antarcticus.)  ...   GIGANTIC FULMAR. (Fulmarus giganteus)" (Stephens 1826); "Fulmarus Stephens, in Shaw, Gen. Zoöl., 13, pt. 1, 1826, p. 233. Type, by subsequent designation, Procellaria glacialis Linné. (Gray, List Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 129.)" (Peters, 1931, I, p. 47).
Synon. Halohippus, Priocella, Rhantistes, Wagellus.

Specific name Procellaria glacialis Linnaeus, 1761; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "PROCELLARIA GLACIALOIDES.—SMITH.  ...  In many respects this species has a strong resemblance to Procellaria glacialis of authors, but the greater length of its bill supplies an efficient diagnostic character by which it is to be distinguished.  Had the bill merely been longer, I should have hesitated before I considered it distinct, as the degree of development of an organ is not to be made available as a specific character.  The length of the bill, however, is not only greater, but the thickness is also different, being inferior to that of P. glacialis, and neither are ever otherwise in any individual of the Cape species.  While the smaller Petrils almost constantly resort to the open sea, this species often hunts for its food in the neighbourhood of the South African coasts, and even frequently enters the bays, apparently for the same purpose.  It flies higher above the surface of the water than the smaller species, rests more frequently, and seems well disposed to feed upon dead animal matter when such can be obtained." (A. Smith 1840) (Fulmarus).