Streaky-breasted Flufftail

Streaky-breasted Flufftail / Sarothrura boehmi

Streaky-breasted Flufftail

Here the details of the Streaky-breasted Flufftail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sarothrura boehmi
Protonym:  Sarothrura böhmi Vog.Afr. 1 pt1 p.272,290
Taxonomy:  Gruiformes / Sarothruridae /
Taxonomy Code:  stbflu1
Type Locality:  Likulwe [River, Katanga, Belgian Congo].
Publish Year:  1900
IUCN Status:  


(Sarothruridae; Ϯ Striped Flufftail S. affinis) Gr. σαρωτρον sarōtron  broom  < σαιρω sairō  to sweep; ουρα oura  tail; "Genus Sarothrura Heine [Corethrura Rchb. 1853 nec Gray 1846]." (Heine 1890); "Sarothrura Heine, in Heine and Reichenow, Nomencl. Mus. Hein. Orn., 1890, p. 319. New name for Corethrura Reichenbach, 1853 (not Corethrura Gray, 1846.) Type, by original designation, Gallinula jardinei A. Smith = Alecthelia lineata Swainson [= Crex affinis A. Smith]." (Peters 1934, II, 194).
Var. Saurothrura.
Synon. Alecthelia, Corethrura, Daseioura, Lemurolimnas.

boehmi / boehmii
● Prof. Leo Borisovich Boehme (1895-1954) Russian zoologist (syn. Anthus campestris).
● Dr Richard Johann Constantin Böhm (1854-1884) German zoologist, explorer, collector in tropical Africa (Bradornis, subsp. Dinemellia dinemelli, syn. Eurocephalus rueppelli, syn. Indicator indicator, subsp. Lanius excubitoroides, syn. Luscinia lusciniaMerops, syn. Musophaga rossae, Neafrapus, syn. Pternistis afer cranchii, Sarothrura, Sylvia, subsp. Trachyphonus darnaudii).
● Edward Marshall Boehm (1913-1969) US sculptor, famed for his porcelain figures of birds, aviculturalist (syn. Chlorophonia flavirostris).