Ethiopian Swallow

Ethiopian Swallow / Hirundo aethiopica

Ethiopian Swallow

Here the details of the Ethiopian Swallow named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hirundo aethiopica
Protonym:  Hirundo aethiopica Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(4), 4 p.329
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Hirundinidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ethswa1
Type Locality:  northern Ethiopia; type from Barakit, Tigre.
Publish Year:  1869
IUCN Status:  


(Hirundinidae; Ϯ Barn Swallow H. rustica) L. hirundo, hirundinis  swallow; "101. HIRUNDO.  Rostrum minimum, incurvum, subulatum, basi depressum.  Rictus capite amplius." (Linnaeus 1758). “The type of this Linnean genus has always been a somewhat difficult question to decide. The genus contains eight species, of which the first-named is “rustica,” the Swallow, and this was made the type of the genus by Gray [1840] ...  Stejneger (Proc. U. S. National Mus. v. 1883, p. 31) first drew attention to the fact that Forster [1817] ...  used urbica (House-Martin) in conjunction with Hirundo, and rustica (Swallow) with Chelidon, a genus there first named, and he considered this to constitute a designation of the type by Forster ...  After careful consideration of the matter, the Committee are of opinion that Forster’s use of Hirundo in conjunction with urbica hardly constitutes designation as understood under the code of International Rules, and that Hirundo rustica is the correct type of the Linnean genus” (BOU 1915); "Hirundo Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 191. Type, by subsequent designation, Hirundo rustica Linnaeus (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 8.)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 104). Linnaeus's Hirundo comprised eight species (H. rustica, H. esculenta, H. urbica, H. riparia, H. Apus, H. Subis, H. pelagica, H. Melba).
Var. Hirunda.
Synon. Charitochelidon, Chelidon, Hemicecrops, Herse, Hersepis, Hypurolepis, Natalornis, Setirundo, Uromitus, Waldenia.

L. hirundo, hirundinis  swallow.
● "70. STERNA.  ...  Hirundo.  2. S. cauda forficata: rectricibus duabus extimis albo nigroque dimidiatis. Fn. svec. 127.  Sterna. Gesn. av. 53. Aldr. orn. l. 19. c. 7. Jonst. av. 130. t. 46.  Hirundo marina. Will. orn. 268. t. 68. Raj. av. 131. Alb. av. 2. p. 79. t. 90.  Habitat in Europa.  Mas & Femina indissolubiles socii monogami." (Linnaeus 1758); “Prof. Einar Lönnberg (Ibis, 1913, p. 301) has gone carefully into the question whether S. hirundo Linn. should be applied to the Common or to the Arctic Tern. He has given good reasons for referring it to the former species, and the Committee have accepted his decision” (BOU 1915) (Sterna).

aethiopica / aethiopicus
L. Aethiopicus  Ethiopian, African  < Gr. Αιθιοπικος Aithiopikos  Ethiopian, negro  < αιθω aithō  to burn; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face.
● ex “Merle noir et blanc d’Abissinie” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Ethiopian Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Laniarius).
● ex “Abou Hannes” of Bruce 1790 (Threskiornis).


Ethiopian Swallow (aethiopica)
SCI Name: Hirundo aethiopica aethiopica
aethiopica / aethiopicus
L. Aethiopicus  Ethiopian, African  < Gr. Αιθιοπικος Aithiopikos  Ethiopian, negro  < αιθω aithō  to burn; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face.
● ex “Merle noir et blanc d’Abissinie” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Ethiopian Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Laniarius).
● ex “Abou Hannes” of Bruce 1790 (Threskiornis).

Ethiopian Swallow (amadoni)
SCI Name: Hirundo aethiopica amadoni
amadoni / amadonis
Dr Dean Amadon (1912-2003) US ornithologist at AMNH 1937-2003 (syn. Alcedo meninting, syn. Anthreptes tephrolaemus, subsp. Cinnyris minullus, subsp. Coracina welchmani, subsp. Eurillas virens, syn. Geokichla citrina cyanota, subsp. Hirundo aethiopica, subsp. Lampornis viridipallens, syn. Lamprotornis chalybaeus, syn. Rimator malacoptilus, subsp. Spinus crassirostris, subsp. Treron pompadora, syn. Urotriorchis macrourus).