Straight-billed Woodcreeper

Straight-billed Woodcreeper / Dendroplex picus

Straight-billed Woodcreeper

Here the details of the Straight-billed Woodcreeper named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dendroplex picus
Protonym:  Oriolus Picus Syst.Nat. 1 pt1 p.384
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  stbwoo2
Type Locality:  Cayenne.
Publish Year:  1788
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae; Straight-billed Woodcreeper D. picus) Gr. δενδρον dendron  tree; πλησσω plēssō  to strike; "DENDROPLEX.  Rostrum rectissimum. Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ; remigibus 3tia, 4ta, et 5ta longissimis.  I know not whether the type of this genus has been described. The living bird has all the manners of a Picus. Except in its perfectly straight bill, it differs not from Dendrocolaptes" (Swainson 1827); "35. CERTHIA L Baumläufer.  ...  II. DENDROCALAPTES  Grimpar Vaill.  ...  *11. C. (D.) Picus Licht. 1) [Dendrocalaptes guttatus.] Spix 91.1. [Vaill. pr. Gr. 27.] Enl. 605. Le Talapiot. Gracula picoides Shaw. Oriolus Picus Gm. et Lath.  ...  1) Wird das Geschlecht Dendroplex des Hrn Swainson seyn." (Voigt in Cuvier 1831, Das Thierreich, I, 623-625) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Dendroplex Swainson, Zool. Journ., 3, Dec., 1827, p. 354, generic characters only. Type, by subsequent designation, "D. guttatus Spix, 1, 91, f. 1." = Dendrocolaptes ocellatus Spix 1 (Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 314).  ...  1 At its first publication Dendroplex was characterized by a diagnosis only, no species were included nor type designated. When the name next appeared ten years later the diagnosis was accompanied by an outline of the bill and the type given as "D. guttatus Spix, 1, 91, f. 1"  Spix's poor figure however represents the bird now known as Xiphorhynchus ocellatus (Spix), but Hellmayr argues that Swainson erred in misidentifying Spix's figure with Oriolus picus Gmelin which was apparently the species Swainson had in mind when he first diagnosed Dendroplex and which at that time was the only species in this group answering the generic characters. However under Opinion 65 of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature Xiphorhynchus ocellatus (Spix) is the type of Dendroplex unless the case with full details concerning the alleged misidentification is submitted to the Commission and that body rules that Oriolus picus Gmelin is actually the type." (Peters, 1951, VII, 36); "DENDROPLEX Swainson, 1827  M— Dendroplex guttatus von Spix, 1824, misidentified = Oriolus picus J. F. Gmelin, 1788; type by subsequent monotypy (Swainson, 1837, Natural History and Classification of Birds, 2, p. 314)." (Dickinson and Christidis (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2014, 2 (Passerines), p. 115).
Synon. Paludicolaptes.
• (Furnariidae; syn. Xiphorhynchus † Ocellated Woodcreeper X. ocellatus) (see above.)

(Picidae; Ϯ Eurasian Green Woodpecker P. viridis) L. picus  woodpecker (Roman myth. Picus, king of Latium who married the beauteous nymph and songstress Canens, and was changed into a woodpecker by the spiteful Circe, whose affections he had spurned); "54. PICUS.  Rostrum polyedrum, rectum: apice cuneato.  Nares pennis setaceis obtectæ.  Lingua teres, lumbriciformis, longissima, mucronata, apice retrorsum aculeata setis.   ...   Lingua Picorum & Jyngis inseritur fronti. Intestina cæcis carent.   ...   Pici Larvas insectorum lignum intus rodentium rostro fecante, sono terrefaciente, auditu percipiente: lingua acuta hastata intranse extrahunt, de qua Act. angl. 350. p. 509." (Linnaeus 1758); “The type of this Linnean genus has been fixed on various species out of the thirteen originally contained in it. Gray (List Gen. Bds. 1840, p. 54) selected major, Hargitt (Cat. Bds. B. M. xviii. 1890, p. 518) martius; but Swainson (Zool. Illustr. 1st ser. i. 1820, pl. 14), who appears to have been the first author to designate the type, made it viridis, and this the Committee believe should be accepted.” (BOU 1915);"Picus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 112. Type, by subsequent designation, Picus viridis Linné. (Swainson, Zool. Illustr., 1, 1820, text to pl. 4.)" (Peters 1948, VI, 130). Linnaeus's Picus comprised thirteen species (P. martius, P. principalis, P. pileatus, P. hirundinaceus, P. erythrocephalus, P. carolinus, P. viridis, P. benghalensis, P. semirostris, P. major, P. medius, P. minor, P. tridactylus). 
Var. Pigus.
Synon. Callolophus, Calopicus, Chrysopterus, Cirropicus, Poliopicus.
● (syn. Dendrocopos Ϯ Great Spotted Woodpecker D. major) (see above).
● (syn. Dryocopus Ϯ Black Woodpecker D. martius) (see above).

L. picus  woodpecker, a bird used in augury.
● ex “Talapiot de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 605, “Talapiot” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Climbing Oriole” of Latham 1782 (Dendroplex).
● ex “Piegrièche Rouge à Plastron Blanc” of Levaillant 1800, pl. 65 (artefact).


Straight-billed Woodcreeper (extimus)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus extimus
extima / extimus
L. extimus  farthest, outermost, most remote  < super. exter  outward  < comp. ex  out of.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (dugandi)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus dugandi
Armando Dugand (1906-1971) Colombian botanist (subsp. Bucco capensis, syn. Cathartes burrovianus urubitinga, subsp. Dendroplex picus, subsp. Habia stolzmanniHerpsilochmus, subsp. Liosceles thoracicus).

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (picirostris)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus picirostris
L. picus  woodpecker; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (paraguanae)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus paraguanae
Paraguaná Peninsula, Falcón, Venezuela.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (choicus)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus choicus
choica / choicus
L. choicus  of earth, clay-  < Gr. χοικος khoikos  of earth or clay  < χους khous  soil.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (longirostris)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus longirostris
L. longus  long; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak. Var. Longirostra.
● ex “Long-billed Thrush” of Latham 1783 (‡Acrocephalus).
● ex “Manchot de la Nouvelle Guinée” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Aptenodytes patagonicus).
● ex “Troupiale” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 532 (syn. Icterus icterus).
● ex “Grimpar Nasican” of Levaillant 1807 (Nasica).
● ex “Râle à long bec de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 849, and “Long-billed Rail” of Latham 1785 (Rallus).

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (phalarus)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus phalarus
Gr. φαλαρος phalaros  having a patch of white  < φαλος phalos  white.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (saturatior)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus saturatior
saturatior / saturatium / saturatius
L. saturatior, saturatioris  more richly coloured, intensely coloured  < saturare  to satisfy  < satur, satura  rich, copious  < satis  enough.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (duidae)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus duidae
Cerro Duida, Amazonas, Venezuela.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (altirostris)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus altirostris
altirostre / altirostris
L. altus  high, great, deep, noble  < alere  to nourish; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (deltanus)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus deltanus
deltana / deltanus
Mod. L. deltanus  of a delta  < L. Delta  Nile delta  < Gr. δελτα delta  delta, the letter Δ (D).
● Territorio Delta Amacuro, Venezuela (subsp. Celeus elegans, subsp. Colaptes rubiginosus, subsp. Dendrocincla fuliginosa, subsp. Dendroplex picus).

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (picus)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus picus
(Picidae; Ϯ Eurasian Green Woodpecker P. viridis) L. picus  woodpecker (Roman myth. Picus, king of Latium who married the beauteous nymph and songstress Canens, and was changed into a woodpecker by the spiteful Circe, whose affections he had spurned); "54. PICUS.  Rostrum polyedrum, rectum: apice cuneato.  Nares pennis setaceis obtectæ.  Lingua teres, lumbriciformis, longissima, mucronata, apice retrorsum aculeata setis.   ...   Lingua Picorum & Jyngis inseritur fronti. Intestina cæcis carent.   ...   Pici Larvas insectorum lignum intus rodentium rostro fecante, sono terrefaciente, auditu percipiente: lingua acuta hastata intranse extrahunt, de qua Act. angl. 350. p. 509." (Linnaeus 1758); “The type of this Linnean genus has been fixed on various species out of the thirteen originally contained in it. Gray (List Gen. Bds. 1840, p. 54) selected major, Hargitt (Cat. Bds. B. M. xviii. 1890, p. 518) martius; but Swainson (Zool. Illustr. 1st ser. i. 1820, pl. 14), who appears to have been the first author to designate the type, made it viridis, and this the Committee believe should be accepted.” (BOU 1915);"Picus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 112. Type, by subsequent designation, Picus viridis Linné. (Swainson, Zool. Illustr., 1, 1820, text to pl. 4.)" (Peters 1948, VI, 130). Linnaeus's Picus comprised thirteen species (P. martius, P. principalis, P. pileatus, P. hirundinaceus, P. erythrocephalus, P. carolinus, P. viridis, P. benghalensis, P. semirostris, P. major, P. medius, P. minor, P. tridactylus). 
Var. Pigus.
Synon. Callolophus, Calopicus, Chrysopterus, Cirropicus, Poliopicus.
● (syn. Dendrocopos Ϯ Great Spotted Woodpecker D. major) (see above).
● (syn. Dryocopus Ϯ Black Woodpecker D. martius) (see above).

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (peruvianus)
SCI Name: Dendroplex picus peruvianus
peruana / peruanum / peruanus / peruvia / peruviana / peruvianus / peruviensis
Peru. Said to be named after Biru, a local Inca encountered by the conquistadores (although the name is also accredited to a Panamanian cazique). Until the early 18th century the Viceroyalty of Peru included all Spanish possessions in South America.
● ex “Geai du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 625, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Peruvian Jay” of Latham 1781 (syn. Cyanocorax yncas).
● ex “Coq de Roche du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 745, and de Buffon 1770-1783 (Rupicola).
● Erroneous TL. Peru (= Brazil) (Tangara).
Erroneous TL. Peru (= Tahiti) (Vini).