Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove

Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove / Ptilinopus regina

Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove

Here the details of the Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ptilinopus regina
Protonym:  Ptilinopus purpuratus var. Regina Zool.J. 1 p.474
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rcfdov1
Type Locality:  'Supposed to come from Australia,'' i.e. = New South Wales.
Publish Year:  1825
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Ϯ Rose-crowned Fruit Dove P. regina) Gr. πτιλον ptilon  feather; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; "Genus. PTILINOPUS. Mihi.  Generic Character.  Alæ mediocres, remigum pinna prima apicem versus contracta, tertia quartaque longissimis.  Rostrum gracile.  Tarsi plumosi.  ...  PTILINOPUS purpuratus. (Var. Regina.)  ...  Tarsi covered with soft and thick-set feathers down to the divisions of the claws; the soles are broad and flat." (Swainson 1825); "Ptilinopus Swainson, Zool. Journ., 1, 1825, p. 473. Type, by monotypy, Ptilinopus purpuratus var. regina Swainson." (Peters 1937, III, 28).
Var. Ptilonapus, Ptilonopus, Ptilopus, Ptinilopus
Synon. Chlorotreron, Curotreron, Cyanotreron, Eutreron, Haemataena, Jambotreron, Jotreron, Kranocera, Kurukuru, Kurutreron, Lamprotreron, Laryngogramma, Leucotreron, Mezotreron, Neoleucotreron, Oedirhinus, Omeotreron, Poecilotreron, Ptilopodiscus, Reginopus, Spilotreron, Sylphidaena, Sylphitreron, Terenotreron, Thoracotreron, Thouarsitreron, Thyliphaps, Xenotreron.

regina / reginae
L. regina  queen  < rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule (e.g. larger, crowned, with more colourful or regal plumage).
● Caroline Josepha Leopoldine Archduchess of Austria known as Maria Leopoldine Empress Consort of Brazil (1797-1826; reigned 1822-1826) wife of Pedro I Emperor of Brazil (Martin Schneider in litt.) (subsp. Chiroxiphia pareola).
● Caroline Augusta of Bavaria Empress Consort of Austria and Queen Consort of Hungary and Bohemia (1792-1873; reigned 1816-1835) (syn. Lophornis gouldii).
● Alexandrina Victoria Queen of Great Britain (1819-1901; reigned 1837-1901) (syn. Lophornis stictolophus).


Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove (flavicollis)
SCI Name: Ptilinopus regina flavicollis
flavicolle / flavicollis / flavicollo
L. flavus  golden-yellow; Mod. L. -collis  -necked, -throated  < L. collum  neck.
● ex “Yellow-throated Creeper” of Catesby 1731, “Parus carolinensis” of Brisson 1760, “Mésange grise à gorge jaune” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Yellow-throated Warbler” of Latham 1783, and Pennant 1785 (syn. Dendroica dominica).
● ex “Yellow-necked Heron” of Latham 1787 (Ixobrychus).
● ex “Black-throated Bunting” of Pennant 1785 (syn. Spiza americana).
● ex “Yellow-necked Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (unident.).

Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove (roseipileum)
SCI Name: Ptilinopus regina roseipileum
L. roseus  rosy  < rosa  rose; pilleum cap.

Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove (xanthogaster)
SCI Name: Ptilinopus regina xanthogaster
xanthogaster / xanthogastra / xanthogastrus
Gr. ξανθος xanthos  yellow; γαστηρ gastēr, γαστρος gastros  belly.

Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove (ewingii)
SCI Name: Ptilinopus regina ewingii
ewingi / ewingii
Revd. Thomas James Ewing (?1813-1882) English clergyman and teacher in Tasmania 1833-1863, naturalist, collector (Acanthiza, subsp. Ptilinopus regina).

Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove (regina)
SCI Name: Ptilinopus regina regina
regina / reginae
L. regina  queen  < rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule (e.g. larger, crowned, with more colourful or regal plumage).
● Caroline Josepha Leopoldine Archduchess of Austria known as Maria Leopoldine Empress Consort of Brazil (1797-1826; reigned 1822-1826) wife of Pedro I Emperor of Brazil (Martin Schneider in litt.) (subsp. Chiroxiphia pareola).
● Caroline Augusta of Bavaria Empress Consort of Austria and Queen Consort of Hungary and Bohemia (1792-1873; reigned 1816-1835) (syn. Lophornis gouldii).
● Alexandrina Victoria Queen of Great Britain (1819-1901; reigned 1837-1901) (syn. Lophornis stictolophus).