Creamy-bellied Antwren

Creamy-bellied Antwren / Herpsilochmus motacilloides

Creamy-bellied Antwren

Here the details of the Creamy-bellied Antwren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Herpsilochmus motacilloides
Protonym:  Herpsilochmus motacilloides Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.136
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  crbant1
Type Locality:  Maraynioc [Junin], Peru.
Publish Year:  1874
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Bahia Antwren H. pileatus) Gr. ἑρπω herpō  to creep about; λοχμη lokhmē  thicket, copse; "Herpsilochmus n. gen.  (ἑρπω, kriechen, schlüpfen; λοχμη, Dickicht.)  Wie die vorhergehende Gattung [Dysithamnus] gleichfalls ein Bindeglied zwischen Thamnophilus und Formicivora und gewissermassen eine Wiederholung von Thamnophilus im Kleine.  Unterscheidet sich von Dysithamnus schon genügend durch den stark stufigen Schwanz und das buntere Gefieder, von Thamnophilus durch den schwächeren, seitlich nicht zusammengedrückten Schnabel und von Formicivora durch einen stärkeren breiteren vor der Spitze nicht zusammengedrückten Schnabel sowie durch schmalere Schwanzfedern und bunteres Gefieder.   1. H. pileatusMyiothera pileata Licht. Doubl. p. 44. No. 479.   ...   2. H. rufomarginatusMyiothera rufimarginata Temm. pl. col. 132. F.1. mas, F. 2 fem.   ...   *3. H. axillarisThamnophilus axillaris Tschudi Consp. No. 95." (Cabanis 1847); "Herpsilochmus Cabanis, Arch. Naturg., 13, 1847, Bd. 1, p. 224. Type, by subsequent designation, Myiothera pileata Lichtenstein (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 42)." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 201).
Var. Herpsiloehmus.
Synon. Dendrooecia.

Genus Motacilla Linnaeus, 1758, wagtail; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling (e.g. from black and white plumage, and long flirted tail).
● "15.  HERPSILOCHMUS MOTACILLOIDES, Jelski, in litt.  Pileo nigro albo maculato, fronte rufescente, dorso griseo; subtus albus, flavido tinctus; vitta superciliari alba, postocularis nigra.  Tectrices alarum nigræ, albo maculatæ; remiges fusco-nigricantes, griseo limbati; rectrices medianæ nigricantes, laterales albæ.  Rostrum et pedes nigricanti-plumbei; irides fusco-brunneæ." (Taczanowski 1874) (Herpsilochmus).
● "73.  PERICROCOTUS CINEREUS, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 94.  (P. motacilloides, mihi.)  A female of this, or of a nearly allied species, appears to have been described under the name P. cinereus.  ...  In fact the plumage of the male has great affinity to that of the wild Motacillæ, and also forms a happy transition from the grey Campephagæ to the crocus-tinted Pericrocoti." (Swinhoe 1860) (syn. Pericrocotus divaricatus). 
● "Genus.  RHIPIDURA.   ...   2. MOTACILLOIDES.  Rhip. nigra; macula  superciliari, pectore medio, abdomine, crissoque albis; remigibus nigro-fuscis.  ...  It bears a great resemblance to the description of Dr. Latham's Motacilla atricapilla, or the Black-topped Flycatcher of his "General History", but differs in the colour of the bill, back and throat.  The latter species most probably belongs to the present group." (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) (syn. Rhipidura leucophrys).

(syn. Pericrocotus Ϯ Ashy Minivet P. divaricatus) Specific name Pericrocotus motacilloides Swinhoe, 1860 (= syn. Pericrocotus divaricatus); "Motacilloides, genus novum Campophagidarum  ....  [Tipome] Pericrocotus cinereus Lafresnaye, "Rev. Zool.", 1845, VIII, p. 94 (= P. modestus Strickl., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 102)" (Buturlin 1910).