Black Guillemot

Black Guillemot / Cepphus grylle

Black Guillemot

Here the details of the Black Guillemot named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cepphus grylle
Protonym:  Alca Grylle Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.130
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Alcidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blkgui
Type Locality:  Ocean of northern Europe; restricted type locality, Sweden.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Alcidae; Ϯ Black Guillemot C. grylle) Gr. κεπφος kepphos  unknown pale waterbird, later variously identified (e.g. storm-petrel, gull, gannet, auk), mentioned by Aristotle, Dionysius, Hesychius, and others; "CEPPHVS LACTEOLUS.   Avibus aquaticis novis jure infero avem nullibi apud Ornithologos memoratam, mihique semel omnino visam, marinam, ex earum genere, quas omnium primus, a Colymbis (rostro nimium similibus, sed defectu caudae et structura singulari pedum diversissimis) optimo jure distinxit MOEHRINGIVS, Cepphos appellans; quas dein BRISSONIVS in duo genera, tridactylum Uriae, et digito postico minuto praeditum Mergi minutiose dispescuit; KLEINIVS vero inter Plautos et Plotos suos atque inter Colymbos LINNAEVS recensuerunt.  ...  Magnitudo querquedulae seu Cepphi Grylle dicti, adeoque longe infra C. Lomviam." (Pallas 1769); "Cepphus Pallas, Spic. Zool., 1, fasc. 5, 1769, p. 33. Type, by monotypy, Cepphus lacteolus Pallas = Alca grylle Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 353).
Var. Chephus, Cephus.
Synon. Grylle, Plautus, Pseuduria, Uria.
● (Gaviidaesyn. Gavia Ϯ Black-throated Diver G. arctica) "76. CEPPHUS.*  Colymbi species. LINN. ed. 6. gen. 51.  Colymbi caudati. WILL. & RAI.   Des. Rostrum subulatum, rectum.  Mandibula inferior ad gutturis principium obiter angulosa: angulo obiter sulcato.  Nares lineari-oblongæ.  Cauda brevissima.  Femora intra abdomen, pone æquilibrium ad podicem posita, ut perpendiculari fere corpore incedere cogatur.  Digiti antici tres, membrana intermedia toti cohærentes: posticus solutus, adpendice membranaceo auctus." (Moehring 1752); "WITTE ZEE-MEEUW, in 't Latyn Cepphus.  LINNÆUS. Syst. Nat. gesl. 51 [Colymbus].  Gestaarte Duikeren van WILLUGHBY & RAY" (Moehring 1758).
● (Scopidaesyn. Scopus Ϯ Hamerkop S. umbretta) "GENUS CEPPHUS.*  ... *) Kεπφος Arat.  Avis quaedam palustris, ex ardeae (?) genere. (Nomen a cl. Pallasio pro genere Uria Brissonii et auctorum adhibitum.) Scopus (nomen solum specificum) Briss., Gmel., Lath., Cuv., Lacép., Illig., Vieill., Temm.  ... 1. C. Scopus.  ... Scopus Briss. Ornith. 5. p. 505. (Descript. opt.) Ombrette du Senegal Buff. pl. enl. n. 796. (Fig. mediocr.) Scopus Umbretta Auctor. Lath. Synops. 5. t. 40 (fig. inaccurata)" (Wagler 1827); "Cepphus Wagler, 1827, Systema Avium, p. [145].  Type, by monotypy, Scopus umbretta auct., i.e. Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2021).

Gr. κεπφος kepphos  pale unknown waterbird, later variously identified (syn. Stercorarius parasiticus).

“I perswade myself also, that this is the same with the Turtle-dove of the Bass Island near Edinburgh in Scotland, being thereto induced by the agreement of names” (Ray 1678); “This is the dialect name for Black Guillemot on Gotland. On the mainland it was earlier called grissla and nowadays tobisgrissla. Linnaeus almost certainly picked the name up on his visit to Gotland in 1741” (Tommy Tyrberg in litt.); "63. ALCA.  ...  Grylle.  5. A. rostro lævi subulato, abdomine maculaque alarum alba, pedibus rubris.  Colymbus pedibus tridatylis palmatis. Fn. svec. 124.  Columba grœnlandica. Mart. spitzb. 56. t. L. s. B. Will. ornith. 245. Raj. av. 121. n. 6. Alb. av. 2. p. 73. t. 80. Edw. av. 50. t. 50.  Habitat in Europæ borealis oceanoRostrum hujus longitudine fere capitis, sequentis vero brevissimum." (Linnaeus 1758) (Cepphus).

(Alcidae; syn. Cepphus Black Guillemot C. grylle) Specific name Alca grylle Linnaeus, 1758; "Genus GRYLLE, Leach; CEPHUS, Cuvier, (Scraber).  Species I. GRYLLE SCAPULARIS, Leach, (White-winged Scraber), common name, Black Guilemot." (Leach 1819 in Ross); "10. Grylle Scapularis (White-winged Scraber).—All the ships met with this bird.  It is commonly denominated Black Guilemot, but has been referred to a distinct genus, named Cephus by Cuvier; a name which I cannot, for many reasons, adopt." (Leach 1819 (Annals Philos.)); "Grylle Leach, in Ross, Voy. Disc. Baffins Bay, App. II, p. li, 1819—based on "[Les] Cephus" Cuvier, Règ. Anim., 1, p. 510, "1817" (= Dec. 7, 1816), type, by tautonymy, Colymbus Grylle Gmelin = Alca grylle Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 352).


Black Guillemot (mandtii)
SCI Name: Cepphus grylle mandtii
Dr Martin Wilhelm Mandt (1799-1858) German zoologist, Arctic explorer (subsp. Cepphus grylle).

Black Guillemot (grylle Group)
SCI Name: Cepphus grylle [grylle Group]
(Alcidae; Ϯ Black Guillemot C. grylle) Gr. κεπφος kepphos  unknown pale waterbird, later variously identified (e.g. storm-petrel, gull, gannet, auk), mentioned by Aristotle, Dionysius, Hesychius, and others; "CEPPHVS LACTEOLUS.   Avibus aquaticis novis jure infero avem nullibi apud Ornithologos memoratam, mihique semel omnino visam, marinam, ex earum genere, quas omnium primus, a Colymbis (rostro nimium similibus, sed defectu caudae et structura singulari pedum diversissimis) optimo jure distinxit MOEHRINGIVS, Cepphos appellans; quas dein BRISSONIVS in duo genera, tridactylum Uriae, et digito postico minuto praeditum Mergi minutiose dispescuit; KLEINIVS vero inter Plautos et Plotos suos atque inter Colymbos LINNAEVS recensuerunt.  ...  Magnitudo querquedulae seu Cepphi Grylle dicti, adeoque longe infra C. Lomviam." (Pallas 1769); "Cepphus Pallas, Spic. Zool., 1, fasc. 5, 1769, p. 33. Type, by monotypy, Cepphus lacteolus Pallas = Alca grylle Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 353).
Var. Chephus, Cephus.
Synon. Grylle, Plautus, Pseuduria, Uria.
● (Gaviidaesyn. Gavia Ϯ Black-throated Diver G. arctica) "76. CEPPHUS.*  Colymbi species. LINN. ed. 6. gen. 51.  Colymbi caudati. WILL. & RAI.   Des. Rostrum subulatum, rectum.  Mandibula inferior ad gutturis principium obiter angulosa: angulo obiter sulcato.  Nares lineari-oblongæ.  Cauda brevissima.  Femora intra abdomen, pone æquilibrium ad podicem posita, ut perpendiculari fere corpore incedere cogatur.  Digiti antici tres, membrana intermedia toti cohærentes: posticus solutus, adpendice membranaceo auctus." (Moehring 1752); "WITTE ZEE-MEEUW, in 't Latyn Cepphus.  LINNÆUS. Syst. Nat. gesl. 51 [Colymbus].  Gestaarte Duikeren van WILLUGHBY & RAY" (Moehring 1758).
● (Scopidaesyn. Scopus Ϯ Hamerkop S. umbretta) "GENUS CEPPHUS.*  ... *) Kεπφος Arat.  Avis quaedam palustris, ex ardeae (?) genere. (Nomen a cl. Pallasio pro genere Uria Brissonii et auctorum adhibitum.) Scopus (nomen solum specificum) Briss., Gmel., Lath., Cuv., Lacép., Illig., Vieill., Temm.  ... 1. C. Scopus.  ... Scopus Briss. Ornith. 5. p. 505. (Descript. opt.) Ombrette du Senegal Buff. pl. enl. n. 796. (Fig. mediocr.) Scopus Umbretta Auctor. Lath. Synops. 5. t. 40 (fig. inaccurata)" (Wagler 1827); "Cepphus Wagler, 1827, Systema Avium, p. [145].  Type, by monotypy, Scopus umbretta auct., i.e. Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2021).