Crested Treeswift

Crested Treeswift / Hemiprocne coronata

Crested Treeswift

Here the details of the Crested Treeswift named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hemiprocne coronata
Protonym:  Hirundo Coronata J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 2 p.580
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Hemiprocnidae /
Taxonomy Code:  cretre1
Type Locality:  Cafetal Fundador, Rio Canimar, Cuba.
Publish Year:  1833
IUCN Status:  


(Hemiprocnidae; Grey-rumped Treeswift H. longipennis) Gr. ἡμι- hēmi-  half-, small < ἡμισυς hēmisus  half; L. progne or procne  swallow (see Progne); "Cypseli et Hemiprocnes N. h) genera.   ...   h) Hemiprocnes genus, cui Cypselos, qui ill. TEMMINCKIO longipennis, comatus, fuciphagus, torquatus vocantur, aliosque accenseo, a veris discrepant Cypselis et hallice sive digito pedum primo retrorsum semper verso, et digitorum phalangum numero eodem, qui in ceteris avibus solemnis est." (Nitzsch 1829) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Hemiprocnes [nominative plural] Nitzsch, Obs. Av. Arter. Carot. Comm., 1829, p. 15 and note.  Type, by subsequent designation, Cypselus longipennis Temminck = Hirundo longipennis Rafinesque (Oberholser, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 19, 1906, p. 68.)" (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 257).
Synon. Chelidonia, Dendrochelidon, Macropteryx, Palestre.
• (Apodidae; syn. Collocalia Glossy Swiftlet C. esculenta) "Hemiprocne. — Salange.  Der vorigen Gattung ähnlich, aber mit gewöhnlicher Gliederung und Richtung der zehen.  H. esculenta, die indianische Schwalbe." (Riemann 1838 per Oberholser 1906) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Hemiprocne Riemann, 1838, Zoologisch-technologischer Leitfaden für Realschulen und Gymnasien, p. 34 (not Hemiprocne Nitzsch, 1829).  Type, by monotypy, Hirundo esculenta Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).

L. coronatus  crowned  < coronare  to crown  < corona  crown.
● "114. MOTACILLA.  ...  coronata.  21. M. nigro maculata, pileo hypochondriis uropygioque flavis.  Motacilla corona aurea. Edw. av. - - t. 298.  Habitat in Pensylvania.  Corpus dorso pectore abdomineque adspersum maculis parvis nigris. Fascia alarum duplex alba. Gula alba." (Linnaeus 1766) (Setophaga).
● ex “Wreathed Tern” of Latham 1785 (syn. Sterna vittata).