Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin

Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin / Neopelma chrysolophum

Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin

Here the details of the Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Neopelma chrysolophum
Protonym:  Neopelma aurifrons chrysolophum Cat.AvesBrasil pt2 p.100
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pipridae /
Taxonomy Code:  sdmman1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1944
IUCN Status:  


(Pipridae; Ϯ Wied's Tyrant Manakin N. aurifrons) Gr. νεος neos  new, different; πελμα pelma, πελματος pelmatos  sole of the foot; “Muscicapa aurifrons of P. Max. (M. luteocephala, Lafr.) — a bird referred by Cabanis to Elainea and by Burmeister to Euscarthmus; but which, I think, from the structure of the feet ought rather to be placed near to, if not in the genus Heteropelma   ...   β. Neopelma, nob.   Pedibus debilibus, rostro breviore, latiore, apice non uncinato.    6. HETEROPELMA AURIFRONS. — Musc. aurifrons, P. Max. Beitr. iii. p. 829. — M. luteocephala, Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1833, pl. 13. — Elainea aurifrons, Cab. in Schomb. Reise, iii. p. 701. — Euscarthmus aurifrons, Burm. Thiere Bras. ii. p. 489, ex Brasil. et Guiana.” (P. Sclater 1860); "Neopelma Sclater, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 28, p. 467. Type, by monotypy, Muscicapa aurifrons Wied." (Snow in Peters 1979, VIII, 255).
Synon. Paroides.

chrysolopha / chrysolophum
Gr. χρυσολοφος khrusolophos  with golden crest  < χρυσος khrusos  gold; λοφος lophos  crest.