Chestnut-headed Partridge

Chestnut-headed Partridge / Arborophila cambodiana

Chestnut-headed Partridge

Here the details of the Chestnut-headed Partridge named bird below:

SCI Name:  Arborophila cambodiana
Protonym:  Arborophila cambodiana Bull.Br.Orn.Club 48 p.128
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  chhpar1
Type Locality:  Bokor, 1000 met., Cambodia.
Publish Year:  1928
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Hill Partridge A. torqueola) L. arbor, arboris  tree; Gr. φιλος philos  lover; "Genus ARBOROPHILA nobis.  Type. PERDIX OLIVACEA Lathami.?  Piora of the Nipalese.  Hill partridge and painted partridge of Europeans.  ARBOROPHILA  OLIVACEA nobis.  Bill equal to the head, or nearly so, slender; the maxilla more than half cut out by a large membranous nareal tect, in which the advanced nares are opened longitudinally, near to the cutting edge, by an elliptic lateral downward cleft.  Wings short, bowed and gradated, with the 5th quill longest.  Tail 14, drooped, somewhat feeble, extremely rounded and concealed by the coverts.  Legs and feet large.  Tarsi elevate, unspurred, nude.  Toes long; exterior lateral conspicuously larger than the inner.  Nails lengthened and straightened.  Cheeks invested with a red skin, which is nude in the orbitar region.  ..  Exclusively a forester, inhabiting the interior of deep woods, and perching as freely as a pheasant.  Gregarious in coveys, breeds on the earth, feeds on the ground and on trees, eating berries, seeds and insects.  Intestines and cæca longer than in Perdix, with a large powerful gizzard.  Has a shrill twittering call.  Is very timid and not at all pugnacious." (Hodgson 1837); "Arborophila Hodgson, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 5, 1837, p. 303. Type, by monotypy, "Perdix olivacea Latham" = Perdix torqueola Valenciennes." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 98).
Var. Arboricola.
Synon. Dendrophila, Hyloperdix, Oreoperdix, Peloperdix, Phoenicoperdix, Tropicoperdix.

cambodiana / cambodianum / cambodianus


Chestnut-headed Partridge (Siamese)
SCI Name: Arborophila cambodiana diversa
L. diversus  different, diverse  < divertere  to differ.
• "Arborophila diversa, sp. nov.  ...  Only the type was taken.  No specimens of Arborophila cambodiana are available for comparison, but the present bird does not agree with the description of that species, though evidently closely allied." (Riley 1930) (subsp. Arborophila cambodiana).
• "Across the Western Andes of Perú, on the eastern side of the cordillera a little to the southward, the greater extent of the light coronal patch becomes a regular feature, combined with certain other characters, and it appears desirable to recognize a separate subspecies for the birds of this region.  This form may be known as follows.   Elaenia albiceps diversa, new subspecies   TYPE from Cajabamba, northern Perú" (J. Zimmer 1941) (subsp. Elaenia albiceps).
• "To present a clearer discussion of the geographical variation of the species, I propose here as follows:   Ficedula tricolor diversa Vaurie, new subspecies   ...   Differs very distinctly from F. t. cerviniventris from Manipur and Chin Hills by lacking in both sexes the dull orange coloration of the under parts, including the throat, characteristic of these populations, and by being larger (table 1).  Similar to nominate tricolor from eastern Nepal (see discussion below) and Sikkim to northeastern Assam, but darker, more saturated." (Vaurie 1953) (subsp. Ficedula tricolor).
• "Frederickena unduligera diversa, new subspecies   ...   Similar to F. u. unduligera of the Rio Negro, Brazil, but females with under parts more brightly colored (orange-ochraceous instead of near buckthorn brown), anteriorly marked with blackish spots and crescents but not "barred," and posteriorly largely unmarked (not barred throughout).  Male not certainly different from unduligera but possibly with a greater extension of unmarked black on the breast." (J. Zimmer 1944) (subsp. Frederickena unduligera).

Chestnut-headed Partridge (Chestnut-headed)
SCI Name: Arborophila cambodiana cambodiana/chandamonyi
(Phasianidae; Ϯ Hill Partridge A. torqueola) L. arbor, arboris  tree; Gr. φιλος philos  lover; "Genus ARBOROPHILA nobis.  Type. PERDIX OLIVACEA Lathami.?  Piora of the Nipalese.  Hill partridge and painted partridge of Europeans.  ARBOROPHILA  OLIVACEA nobis.  Bill equal to the head, or nearly so, slender; the maxilla more than half cut out by a large membranous nareal tect, in which the advanced nares are opened longitudinally, near to the cutting edge, by an elliptic lateral downward cleft.  Wings short, bowed and gradated, with the 5th quill longest.  Tail 14, drooped, somewhat feeble, extremely rounded and concealed by the coverts.  Legs and feet large.  Tarsi elevate, unspurred, nude.  Toes long; exterior lateral conspicuously larger than the inner.  Nails lengthened and straightened.  Cheeks invested with a red skin, which is nude in the orbitar region.  ..  Exclusively a forester, inhabiting the interior of deep woods, and perching as freely as a pheasant.  Gregarious in coveys, breeds on the earth, feeds on the ground and on trees, eating berries, seeds and insects.  Intestines and cæca longer than in Perdix, with a large powerful gizzard.  Has a shrill twittering call.  Is very timid and not at all pugnacious." (Hodgson 1837); "Arborophila Hodgson, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., 5, 1837, p. 303. Type, by monotypy, "Perdix olivacea Latham" = Perdix torqueola Valenciennes." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 98).
Var. Arboricola.
Synon. Dendrophila, Hyloperdix, Oreoperdix, Peloperdix, Phoenicoperdix, Tropicoperdix.