Mistle Thrush

Mistle Thrush / Turdus viscivorus

Mistle Thrush

Here the details of the Mistle Thrush named bird below:

SCI Name:  Turdus viscivorus
Protonym:  Turdus viscivorus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.168
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Turdidae /
Taxonomy Code:  misthr1
Type Locality:  further restricted to Berechurch, near Colchester, Essex, southeastern England by Clancey, 1950, ibid., p. 338.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Turdidae; Ϯ Mistle Thrush T. viscivorus) L. turdus  thrush; "95. TURDUS.  Rostrum tereti-cultratum, maxilla superiore apice deflexo.  Nares nudæ, superne membranula semitectæ.  Lingua lacero-emarginata." (Linnaeus 1758); "Turdus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 168. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 27), Turdus viscivorus Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 177). Linnaeus's Turdus comprised sixteen species (T. viscivorus, T. pilaris, T. iliacus, T. musicus, T. Canorus, T. rufus, T. polyglottos, T. Orpheus, T. plumbeus, T. crinitus, T. roseus, T. Merula, T. torquatus, T. solitarius, T. arundinaceus, T. virens).   
Var. TurusTrudus, Turtus, Curdus.     
Synon. Afrocichla, Arceuthornis, Cichlherminia, Cichloides, Cichloselys, Copsichus, Copsicus, Cossyphopsis, Galeoscoptes, Haplocichla, Hodoiporus, Iliacus, Ixocossyphus, Lamprophonus, Melizocincla, Meridiocichla, Merula, Merulissima, Mimocichla, Mimokitta, Nesocichla, Peliocichla, Petrocincla, Planesticus, Platycichla, Semimerula, Thoracocincla, Turdela, Turdicus.

L. turdus  thrush.
● ex “Grivetin” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 118 < French Grive thrush (syn. Erythropygia leucophrys).
● "89. Loxia Turdus F.  ...  Habitat in insula australi Novae Zeeelandiae, simillima Turdo, statura, colore, pedibus.  Corpus magnitudine Turdi viscivori, supra fuscum." (Forster 1844) (syn. Turnagra capensis).

viscivora / viscivorus
Mod. L. viscivorus  mistletoe-eating  < L. viscum, visci  mistletoe; -vorus  eating  < vorare  to devour  < Gr. ιξοβορος ixoboros   mistletoe-eating, name for the Mistle Thrush; “That Latine Proverb, Turdus malum sibi ipse cacat, spoken of those who are the cause of their own destruction, took its original from that ancient conceit, that the parasitical Plant, called Misselto, of the Berries whereof in old time Birdlime was wont to be made, sprang from the Seed voided by the Thrush” (Ray 1678); "95. TURDUS.  ...  viscivorus.  1. T. dorso fusco, collo maculis albis, rostro flavescente.  Turdus viscivorus major. Raj. av. 64. n. 1. Will. orn. 137. Aldr. orn. l. 16. c. 1.  Habitat in Europa.  Sibimet ipsi malum cacat disseminator Visci, Ilicisque." (Linnaeus 1758) (Turdus).


Mistle Thrush (viscivorus)
SCI Name: Turdus viscivorus viscivorus
viscivora / viscivorus
Mod. L. viscivorus  mistletoe-eating  < L. viscum, visci  mistletoe; -vorus  eating  < vorare  to devour  < Gr. ιξοβορος ixoboros   mistletoe-eating, name for the Mistle Thrush; “That Latine Proverb, Turdus malum sibi ipse cacat, spoken of those who are the cause of their own destruction, took its original from that ancient conceit, that the parasitical Plant, called Misselto, of the Berries whereof in old time Birdlime was wont to be made, sprang from the Seed voided by the Thrush” (Ray 1678); "95. TURDUS.  ...  viscivorus.  1. T. dorso fusco, collo maculis albis, rostro flavescente.  Turdus viscivorus major. Raj. av. 64. n. 1. Will. orn. 137. Aldr. orn. l. 16. c. 1.  Habitat in Europa.  Sibimet ipsi malum cacat disseminator Visci, Ilicisque." (Linnaeus 1758) (Turdus).

Mistle Thrush (deichleri)
SCI Name: Turdus viscivorus deichleri
Dr Christian Deichler (1876-1954) German chemist in Tunisia 1896-1899 and the Cameroons (syn. Acanthis flammea, syn. Galerida theklae carolinae, subsp. Turdus viscivorus).

Mistle Thrush (bonapartei)
SCI Name: Turdus viscivorus bonapartei
Jules Laurent Lucien, later called Charles Lucien Jules Laurent 2nd Prince of Canino and of Musignano and Prince Bonaparte (1803-1857) French ornithologist (syn. Calidris fuscicollis, Coeligena, syn. Diglossa lafresnayii, syn. Emberiza leucocephalosGymnobucco, subsp. Loriculus philippensis, Nothocercus, syn. Pheucticus chrysopeplus, subsp. Turdus viscivorus) (see bonapartii).