Rufescent White-eye

Rufescent White-eye / Tephrozosterops stalkeri

Rufescent White-eye

Here the details of the Rufescent White-eye named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tephrozosterops stalkeri
Protonym:  Tephras stalkeri Bull.Br.Orn.Club 25 p.90
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Zosteropidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rufwhe1
Type Locality:  Gunung Karopi, central Ceram.
Publish Year:  1910
IUCN Status:  


(Zosteropidae; Ϯ Bicoloured White-eye T. stalkeri) Portmanteau of genera Tephras Hartlaub, 1868, white-eye, and Zosterops Vigors & Horsfield, 1826, white-eye; "D. Tephrozosterops genus novum.  In struktureller Hinsicht mit Oreosterops übereinstimmend, aber Färbung infolge gänzlichen Lipochrommangels sehr abweichend: Obersite düster rostfarben, Unterseite weiß, an Brust, Flanken, Unterschwanzdecken rostfarben verwachsen.   Typus: Tephras stalkeri Og.-Grant." (Stresemann 1931); "Tephrozosterops Stresemann, 1931, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17, p. 234. Type, by monotypy [= by original designation], Tephras stalkeri Ogilvie-Grant." (Mayr in Peters 1967, XII, 321).

Wilfred Stalker (1879-1910) Australian adventurer, collector in the Moluccas, New Guinea, and Australia, drowned during the BOU expedition to New Guinea (syn. Coracina papuensis hypoleuca, Gymnophaps, syn. Ocyphaps lophotes, syn. Platalea regia, syn. Recurvirostra novaehollandiae, syn. Sphecotheres flaviventris, syn. Symposiachrus trivirgatus gouldii, Tephrozosterops, Zosterops).