Wandering Albatross

Wandering Albatross / Diomedea exulans

Wandering Albatross

Here the details of the Wandering Albatross named bird below:

SCI Name:  Diomedea exulans
Protonym:  Diomedea exulans Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.132
Taxonomy:  Procellariiformes / Diomedeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wanalb
Type Locality:  intra tropicos Pelagi ad. Cap. b. Spei'' = Cape of Good Hope ex Edwards.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Diomedeidae; Ϯ Wandering Albatross D. exulans) Gr. myth. Diomedes, warrior king of Aetolia, abandoned his kingdom because of the sexual excesses of his wife during his absence at the siege of Troy, and founded the city of Argyripa in Italy. At his death, from old age, his companions were so distraught that they were turned into white seabirds; the Wandering Albatross spends most of its long life coursing the southern oceans; "65. DIOMEDEA.  Rostrum rectum: maxilla superiore apice adunca; inferiore truncata.  Nares ovatæ, patulæ, prominulæ, laterales." (Linnaeus 1758); "Diomedea Linné, Syst. Nat., ed.10, 1, 1758, p. 132. Type, by subsequent designation, Diomedea exulans Linné (Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 78.)" (Peters, 1931, I, p. 41). Linnaeus's Diomedea comprised two species (D. exulans, D. demersa). 
Var. Diomedaea, Diomaedea, Diomedia.
Synon. Albatrossa, Albatrus, Rhothonia.

Gr. myth. Diomedes, warrior king of Aetolia. At his death, from old age, his companions were so distraught that they were turned into white seabirds. The Aves Diomedias Diomedean birds, of Latin authors were unknown seabirds, but may have been gannets or gulls; "We agree with Hartert (Vög. Pal. Fauna, Nachtr., 1, p. 77, 1923) that Procellaria diomedea Scopoli (Ann. I. Hist. Nat., p. 74, 1769), named from a single specimen of unknown origin in the collection of Count Thurn-Valsassina at Passau, is indeterminable." (Hellmayr & Conover 1948, XIII, 63) (Calonectris).

L. exsulans or exulans, exulantis  wandering  < exsulare  to be exiled  < exsul  exile; "65. DIOMEDEA.  ...  exulans.  1. D. alis pennatis, pedibus tridactylis.  Albatros. Edw. av. 88. t. 88. Alb. av. 3. p. 76. t. 81. Grew. mus. t. 6. f. 1.  Habitat intra tropicos Pelagi & ad Cap. b. Spei, æthera altissime scandens; victitans e Triglis volitantibus a Coryphæna exagitatisStatura Pelecani Aquili, naribus ovatis prominulis, non vero linearibus; cauda rotundata brevi nec forficataRostrum in hac quadruple majus." (Linnaeus 1758) (Diomedea).


Wandering Albatross (Snowy)
SCI Name: Diomedea exulans exulans
L. exsulans or exulans, exulantis  wandering  < exsulare  to be exiled  < exsul  exile; "65. DIOMEDEA.  ...  exulans.  1. D. alis pennatis, pedibus tridactylis.  Albatros. Edw. av. 88. t. 88. Alb. av. 3. p. 76. t. 81. Grew. mus. t. 6. f. 1.  Habitat intra tropicos Pelagi & ad Cap. b. Spei, æthera altissime scandens; victitans e Triglis volitantibus a Coryphæna exagitatisStatura Pelecani Aquili, naribus ovatis prominulis, non vero linearibus; cauda rotundata brevi nec forficataRostrum in hac quadruple majus." (Linnaeus 1758) (Diomedea).

Wandering Albatross (Tristan)
SCI Name: Diomedea exulans dabbenena
Roberto Raúl Dabbene (1864-1938) Italian-born Argentinian ornithologist; L. suffix -ena  relating to (Diomedea).

Wandering Albatross (New Zealand)
SCI Name: Diomedea exulans antipodensis
Antipodes I., South Pacific Ocean.

Wandering Albatross (Gibson's)
SCI Name: Diomedea exulans gibsoni
● John Gibson (1815-1875) English horticulturalist, studied the Loddiges’ orchid nurseries, plant collector in India 1836-1837 (Chlorostilbon).
● John Douglas Gibson (1926-1984) Australian amateur ornithologist, bird-ringer, world authority on albatrosses (subsp. Diomedea antipodensis).

Wandering Albatross (Amsterdam)
SCI Name: Diomedea exulans amsterdamensis
Amsterdam I., southern Indian Ocean.