Rufous-banded Miner

Rufous-banded Miner / Geositta rufipennis

Rufous-banded Miner

Here the details of the Rufous-banded Miner named bird below:

SCI Name:  Geositta rufipennis
Protonym:  Geobamon rufipennis J.Orn. 8 p.249
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rubmin1
Type Locality:  Parana, Entre Rios; error = Sierra de Tucumdn, suggested as type locality by Hellmayr, antea, 1925, p. 11, note a.
Publish Year:  1860
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae; Common Miner G. cunicularia fissirostris) Gr. γεω- geō-  ground-, earth-  < γη gē  earth; genus Sitta Linnaeus, 1758, nuthatch; the terrestrial Common Miner was classified with the nuthatches, subfamily Sittinae, by Swainson 1837, because of its straight bill, short tail, and long hind-toe with a curved, lengthened claw; "GEOSITTA, Sw.  (fig. 283.)   Bill longer than the head, trigonal at the base, cylindrical beyond. Culmen rounded. The tip of the upper mandible entire, broader than high, and slightly bent over the lower. Wings long, pointed; the first quill nearly equal to the second and third, which are longest; tertials lengthened. Tail slightly forked. Feet slender. Anterior toes rather short; the lateral ones unequal, the claws small; hind toe as long as the middle toe, but shorter than the tarsus; the claw much lengthened, and slightly curved.  Chili.   G. anthoïdes.  Part 5. No. 129." (Swainson 1837 (Classif. Birds)); "129. GEOSITTA anthoïdes.  ...  Inhabits Chili." (Swainson 1837 (Anim. Menag.)); "Geositta SWAINSON, Classif. Birds, 2, p. 317, 1837— generic characters only; type by subs. desig. (SWAINSON, Anim. Menag., p. 323, Dec. 1837) Geositta anthoides SWAINSON = Alauda fissirostris KITTLITZ." (Hellmayr, 1925, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IV, 2); "Geositta Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 317, fig. 283.  Type, by monotypy, Geositta anthoides, Part 5, No. 129 = Alauda fissirostris Kittlitz." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 58).  Fjeldså, Christidis & Ericson (eds.) 2020, treat this genus, together with Sclerurus, in the family Scleruridae.
Var. Geocitta.
Synon. Geobamon, Geobates.

rufipenne / rufipennis
Mod. L. rufipennis  red-winged, red-feathered  < L. rufus  red, rufous;
-pennis  -winged  < penna  feather.
● ex “Roupenne” of Levaillant 1801, pll. 83-84  < French homophone roux  red; penne  large feather (syn. Onychognathus morio).


Rufous-banded Miner (fasciata)
SCI Name: Geositta rufipennis fasciata
Late L. fasciatus  banded  < L. fascia  band, stripe.
● ex “Fasciated Grosbeak” of Brown 1776, and Latham 1783 (Amadina).
● ex “Hirondelle à bande blanche sur le ventre de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 724, fig. 2, “Hirondelle à ceinture blanche” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “White-bellied Swallow” of Latham 1783 (Atticora).
● ex “Fasciated Finch” of Pennant 1785 (syn. Melospiza melodia).
● ex “Ynambúi” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 327 (syn. Nothura maculosa).
● ex “Bracelet Parrakeet from East India” of Albin 1731 (subsp. Psittacula alexandri).

Rufous-banded Miner (harrisoni)
SCI Name: Geositta rufipennis harrisoni
● Ed N. Harrison (1914-2002) US naturalist, wildlife photographer, collector, a founder of Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology 1954 (syn. Catharus dryas ovandensis, subsp. Geositta rufipennis).
● Dr James Maurice Harrison (1892-1971) British ornithologist, taxidermist (syn. Charadrius hiaticula, subsp. Chloris chloris, syn Sitta europaea caesia).
● George Leib Harrison, Jr. (b. 1872) US ornithologist, collector in East Africa 1904 (syn. Cisticola hunteri).
● Colin James Oliver Harrison (1926-2003) English ornithologist (‡Ducula).
● Lt.-Col. James Jonathan Harrison (1858-1923) British Army, big-game hunter, collector in Somalia, Kenya and Abyssinia 1899-1900 (subsp. Eremopterix signatus).
● “I take pleasure in naming this new form in honor of Mr Frank Harrison, who resides at the type locality [Rancho del Cielo, Tamaulipas, Mexico], and who has been unfailingly kind to me and to many of my students and friends who have visited him from time to time” (Sutton 1955) (subsp. Sittasomus griseicapillus).

Rufous-banded Miner (rufipennis)
SCI Name: Geositta rufipennis rufipennis
rufipenne / rufipennis
Mod. L. rufipennis  red-winged, red-feathered  < L. rufus  red, rufous;
-pennis  -winged  < penna  feather.
● ex “Roupenne” of Levaillant 1801, pll. 83-84  < French homophone roux  red; penne  large feather (syn. Onychognathus morio).

Rufous-banded Miner (fragai)
SCI Name: Geositta rufipennis fragai
Dr Rosendo M. Fraga (fl. 2008) Argentinian ornithologist (subsp. Geositta rufipennis).

Rufous-banded Miner (ottowi)
SCI Name: Geositta rufipennis ottowi
Dr Johann Ottow (b. 1913) German ornithologist in Brazil and Argentina (subsp. Geositta rufipennis).

Rufous-banded Miner (hoyi)
SCI Name: Geositta rufipennis hoyi
hoyi / hoyianus
● Gunnar Arthur Höy (1901-1996) German/Swedish ornithologist born in Norway, emigrated to Argentina 1951, Curator of Natural History Mus., University of Salta (subsp. Geositta rufipennisMegascops, subsp. Spinus magellanicus).
● Dr Philo Roniayne Hoy (1816-1892) US ornithologist (syn. Grus americanus).
● Charles McCauley Hoy (1897-1923) US collector in Australia 1919, and China 1922-1923 (syn. Otocompsa sinensis).

Rufous-banded Miner (giaii)
SCI Name: Geositta rufipennis giaii
Andrés G. Giai (1913-1977) Argentinian naturalist, taxidermist, collector (subsp. Geositta rufipennis).