White-headed Petrel

White-headed Petrel / Pterodroma lessonii

White-headed Petrel

Here the details of the White-headed Petrel named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pterodroma lessonii
Protonym:  Procellaria Lessonii Ann.Sci.Nat. 7 p.54 pl.4
Taxonomy:  Procellariiformes / Procellariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whhpet1
Type Locality:  'Dans les parages du Cap Horn et de la mer Pacifique par 52° de lat. sept. [= austr.] et 85° de longit.
Publish Year:  1826
IUCN Status:  


(Procellariidae; Ϯ Great-winged Petrel P. macroptera) Gr. πτερον pteron  wing; -δρομος -dromos  -racer, -runner  < τρεχω trekhō  to run; the gadfly petrels were so named with reference to their fast weaving flight, as if pursued by horseflies; "1. FULMAREÆ.  ...  *4. Pterodroma, Bp.   14. fuliginosa, Banks. (grisea, Kuhl nec Gm.  lugens? Soland.  atlantica, Gould.)   15. macroptera, Smith.  (brevirostris, Less.)   16. aterrima, Verr.  (carbonaria? Solander.)" (Bonaparte 1856); "Pterodroma, Bp. (Thalassoica? p. Gr. - Procellaria, p. Hombr. et Jacq. - Ossifraga, p. Reich.) Rostrum brevissimum, curvum, valde compressum: cauda cuneata. Nigrae.  Cum genere BULWERIA Procellariearum analogiam praebent. Parvulae inter congeneres conveniunt quippe statura cum gigantibus illis propriae sectionis.    M. ant. pr. Afr.  3.    1. PROCELLARIA macroptera, Smith.   ...   2. PROCELLARIA FULIGINOSA, Banks, nec Lath.   ...   *3. PROCELLARIA aterrima, Verr." (Bonaparte 1857); "Pterodroma Bonaparte, Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 42, 1856, p. 768. Type, by subsequent designation, Procellaria macroptera A. Smith (Coues, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1866, p. 137)." (Peters 1931, I, 60).
Var. PetrodromaPterodrome
Synon. Aestrelata, Cookilaria, Hallstroma, Oestrelatella, Proaestrelata, Rhantistes.

lessonia / lessonii
● Prof. René-Primevère Lesson (1794-1849) French Navy surgeon-naturalist, explorer (syn. Aquila spilogaster, syn. Ardea herodias, subsp. Ceyx azureus (ex Ceyx azurea Lesson), syn. Cinclodes patagonicus, syn. Phonygammus keraudreniiPterodroma, syn. Stercorarius longicaudus, syn. Syma torotoro).
● Pierre-Adolphe Lesson (1805-1888) French Navy surgeon-naturalist, botanist, brother of René-Primevère Lesson (syn. Campephilus guatemalensis, Momotus, syn. Oreopholus ruficollis, syn. Vini ultramarina).