Yellow Flycatcher

Yellow Flycatcher / Erythrocercus holochlorus

Yellow Flycatcher

Here the details of the Yellow Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Erythrocercus holochlorus
Protonym:  Erythrocercus holochlorus Orn.Monatsb. 9 p.181
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Scotocercidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yelfly2
Type Locality:  Salole, Juba River, Italian Somaliland.
Publish Year:  1901
IUCN Status:  


(Scotocercidae; Ϯ Chestnut-capped Flycatcher E. mccallii). Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; κερκος kerkos  tail; "Erythrocercus, nob.   298. Mc'Callii, (Cass.)  Minor; pileo et cauda nitide rufis, illo albo striolato; dorso, uropygio et tectricibus alae dilute cinereis, uropygio rufescente tincto; supracaudalibus rufis; gutture et pectore pallide fulvis; abdomine et subcaudalibus albis; subalaribus pallide fulvis; rostro et pedibus pallidis; maxilla subcurvata; vibrissis rictalibus longis, rigidiusculis; alis mediocribus, remigibus 4 et 5 subaequalibus, longioribus; cauda longiuscula; pedibus subelongatis; pilei plumis subelongatis, tergi et uropygii longis, sericeis.   ...   Syn. Pycnosphrys Mc'Callii, Cass. Proc. Ac. N. Sc. Philad. 1855, p. 326.   Ich weiss die Annahme einer ächten Pycnosphrys-art in Africa mit meinen Ansichten von geographischer Zoologie nicht in Einklang zu bringen und ziehe es vor die von mir nicht gesehene aber jedenfalls sehr eigenthümliche westafricanische Form generisch zu isoliren." (Hartlaub 1857); "Erythrocercus Hartlaub, 1857, Syst. Ornith. Westafrica's, p. 97. Type, by monotypy, Pycnosphrys mcCallii Cassin." (Traylor in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 465).   
Synon. Chloropetella.

Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; κερκος kerkos tail.
● Gadow 1884, W. Sclater 1930, and Cheke & Mann 2001, considered erythrocerca to be an original misprint for erythroceria. Despite von Heuglin’s 1864, correction, “in meinem Syst. Verz. d. V. N.-O.-Africa’s [1857] fälschlich erythrocerca geschreiben”, Rand in Peters’ 1967, wrote, “However, Heuglin’s nomen nudum for this taxon ...which predates Hartlaub’s name, is spelled “erythrocerca”; there seems no reason to believe Hartlaub did not also intend the spelling to be “erythrocerca”. Neither sex of the Red-chested Sunbird has a red tail, but common sense did not prevail and the species still holds this epithet! (Cinnyris).

holochlora / holochlorus
Gr. ὁλοχλωρος holokhlōros  all-green, all-yellow  < ὁλος holos  entire; χλωρος khlōros  green.