Tawny-crowned Greenlet

Tawny-crowned Greenlet / Tunchiornis ochraceiceps

Tawny-crowned Greenlet

Here the details of the Tawny-crowned Greenlet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tunchiornis ochraceiceps
Protonym:  Hylophilus ochraceiceps Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1859) (1859), Pt(27)3 p.375
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Vireonidae /
Taxonomy Code:  tacgre1
Type Locality:  Playa Vicente, Oaxaca.
Publish Year:  1860
IUCN Status:  


(Vireonidae; Ϯ Tawny-crowned Greenlet T. ochraceiceps) Peruvian myth. El Tunche, whistling guardian spirit of the rainforests: under no circumstances should its sibilant whistles be imitated or replied to (Andy Kratter in litt.); Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος  ornithos  bird (cf. "Rupicola, Briss.  ...  Illae regiones sylvarum ab Indiis vocantur Tunqui-racras, i.e. crepidines avis Tunqui.  ...  Vox ingrata, quasi grunniens, fortissima, e longinquo audienda, ignaros et superstitiosos ex Andibus gelidis advenas ab initio terrore inspirat.  ...  Hispanis peruanis et Indiis indigenis simul audit Tunqui." (Poeppig 1831)); "The fourth and final Hylophilus (sensu lato) clade in Slager et al. (2014) contains H. ochraceiceps, a taxon long recognized as distinct from the other greenlets (Ridgely and Tudor 1989; Figure 1). Because Hylophilus and Pachysylvia are in use for the greenlet clades containing their respective type species and as no generic name is available, we describe a new genus:  Tunchiornis, gen. nov.   Type species. Hylophilus ochraceiceps Sclater.  ...  Etymology. In reference to the simple, whistled song and forest interior understory habitat of the genus, the name Tunchiornis derives from El Tunche, the whistling jungle spirit of western Amazonian mythology (Schjellerup et al. 2003). The gender of Tunchiornis is masculine" (Slager & Klicka 2014) (OD per Laurent Raty).

Mod. L. ochraceus  ochraceous  < L. ochra  ochre  < Gr. ωχρα ōkhra  yellow ochre; -ceps  -capped  < caput, capitis  head.


Tawny-crowned Greenlet (Tawny-crowned)
SCI Name: Tunchiornis ochraceiceps [ochraceiceps Group]
(Vireonidae; Ϯ Tawny-crowned Greenlet T. ochraceiceps) Peruvian myth. El Tunche, whistling guardian spirit of the rainforests: under no circumstances should its sibilant whistles be imitated or replied to (Andy Kratter in litt.); Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος  ornithos  bird (cf. "Rupicola, Briss.  ...  Illae regiones sylvarum ab Indiis vocantur Tunqui-racras, i.e. crepidines avis Tunqui.  ...  Vox ingrata, quasi grunniens, fortissima, e longinquo audienda, ignaros et superstitiosos ex Andibus gelidis advenas ab initio terrore inspirat.  ...  Hispanis peruanis et Indiis indigenis simul audit Tunqui." (Poeppig 1831)); "The fourth and final Hylophilus (sensu lato) clade in Slager et al. (2014) contains H. ochraceiceps, a taxon long recognized as distinct from the other greenlets (Ridgely and Tudor 1989; Figure 1). Because Hylophilus and Pachysylvia are in use for the greenlet clades containing their respective type species and as no generic name is available, we describe a new genus:  Tunchiornis, gen. nov.   Type species. Hylophilus ochraceiceps Sclater.  ...  Etymology. In reference to the simple, whistled song and forest interior understory habitat of the genus, the name Tunchiornis derives from El Tunche, the whistling jungle spirit of western Amazonian mythology (Schjellerup et al. 2003). The gender of Tunchiornis is masculine" (Slager & Klicka 2014) (OD per Laurent Raty).

Tawny-crowned Greenlet (Rufous-fronted)
SCI Name: Tunchiornis ochraceiceps ferrugineifrons/viridior
(Vireonidae; Ϯ Tawny-crowned Greenlet T. ochraceiceps) Peruvian myth. El Tunche, whistling guardian spirit of the rainforests: under no circumstances should its sibilant whistles be imitated or replied to (Andy Kratter in litt.); Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος  ornithos  bird (cf. "Rupicola, Briss.  ...  Illae regiones sylvarum ab Indiis vocantur Tunqui-racras, i.e. crepidines avis Tunqui.  ...  Vox ingrata, quasi grunniens, fortissima, e longinquo audienda, ignaros et superstitiosos ex Andibus gelidis advenas ab initio terrore inspirat.  ...  Hispanis peruanis et Indiis indigenis simul audit Tunqui." (Poeppig 1831)); "The fourth and final Hylophilus (sensu lato) clade in Slager et al. (2014) contains H. ochraceiceps, a taxon long recognized as distinct from the other greenlets (Ridgely and Tudor 1989; Figure 1). Because Hylophilus and Pachysylvia are in use for the greenlet clades containing their respective type species and as no generic name is available, we describe a new genus:  Tunchiornis, gen. nov.   Type species. Hylophilus ochraceiceps Sclater.  ...  Etymology. In reference to the simple, whistled song and forest interior understory habitat of the genus, the name Tunchiornis derives from El Tunche, the whistling jungle spirit of western Amazonian mythology (Schjellerup et al. 2003). The gender of Tunchiornis is masculine" (Slager & Klicka 2014) (OD per Laurent Raty).

Tawny-crowned Greenlet (Olive-crowned)
SCI Name: Tunchiornis ochraceiceps luteifrons
L. luteus  saffron-yellow  < lutum  saffron; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.

Tawny-crowned Greenlet (Red-fronted)
SCI Name: Tunchiornis ochraceiceps rubrifrons/lutescens
(Vireonidae; Ϯ Tawny-crowned Greenlet T. ochraceiceps) Peruvian myth. El Tunche, whistling guardian spirit of the rainforests: under no circumstances should its sibilant whistles be imitated or replied to (Andy Kratter in litt.); Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος  ornithos  bird (cf. "Rupicola, Briss.  ...  Illae regiones sylvarum ab Indiis vocantur Tunqui-racras, i.e. crepidines avis Tunqui.  ...  Vox ingrata, quasi grunniens, fortissima, e longinquo audienda, ignaros et superstitiosos ex Andibus gelidis advenas ab initio terrore inspirat.  ...  Hispanis peruanis et Indiis indigenis simul audit Tunqui." (Poeppig 1831)); "The fourth and final Hylophilus (sensu lato) clade in Slager et al. (2014) contains H. ochraceiceps, a taxon long recognized as distinct from the other greenlets (Ridgely and Tudor 1989; Figure 1). Because Hylophilus and Pachysylvia are in use for the greenlet clades containing their respective type species and as no generic name is available, we describe a new genus:  Tunchiornis, gen. nov.   Type species. Hylophilus ochraceiceps Sclater.  ...  Etymology. In reference to the simple, whistled song and forest interior understory habitat of the genus, the name Tunchiornis derives from El Tunche, the whistling jungle spirit of western Amazonian mythology (Schjellerup et al. 2003). The gender of Tunchiornis is masculine" (Slager & Klicka 2014) (OD per Laurent Raty).