Norfolk Island Parakeet

Norfolk Island Parakeet / Cyanoramphus cookii

Norfolk Island Parakeet

Here the details of the Norfolk Island Parakeet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cyanoramphus cookii
Protonym:  Platycercus Cookii ListBirdsBrit.Mus. pt3 sect.2 p.13
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  noipar1
Type Locality:  New Zealand, error = Norfolk Island.
Publish Year:  1859
IUCN Status:  


(Psittacidae; Black-fronted Parakeet C. zealandicus) Gr. κυανος kuanos  dark-blue; ῥαμφος  rhamphos  bill; "Conurus Phaëton   ...  rostro corneo-cœrulescente" (des Murs 1845); "Subfam. V. PLATICERCINÆ.   ...   40. CYANORAMPHUS, Bp. — 184. Pacificus, Forst. (Phaeton, O. des Murs.) — 185. Unicolor, Vig. — 186. Erythrotis, Wagl. — 187. Novæ-Zelandiæ, Sparrm. — 188. Ulietanus, Gm. — 189. Auriceps, Kuhl. " (Bonaparte 1854); "Cyanoramphus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 153. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus pacificus "Forster" = Conurus phaeton Des Murs 1845 = Psittacus erythronotus Kuhl 1820. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 86)." (Peters, 1937, III, 269); "CYANORAMPHUS Bonaparte, 1854  M— Psittacus pacificus "Forster"; type by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 86).= Psittacus zealandicus Latham, 1790" (Dickinson and Remsen (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2013, 1 (Non-passerines), p. 377).
Var. Cyanorhamphus, Cyanorhynchus (Gr. ῥυγχος  rhunkhos  bill).
Synon. Bulleria, Notopsittacus, Pallacidopsittacus, Phippspsittacus.

cooki / cookii
● John Pemberton Cook (1865-1924) British tea planter in India, forestry officer in Burma, coffee-estate owner in Kenya, big-game hunter, field-ornithologist (Apus, syn. Laniarius ruficeps rufinuchalis, Prinia).
● Capt. James Cook (1728-1779) Royal Navy, hydrographer, explorer and circumnavigator 1768-1771, 1772-1775, 1776-1779 (syn. Calyptorhynchus lathami, subsp. Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae, Pterodroma, syn. Pterodroma leucoptera).
● Capt. Samuel Edward Cook (1787-1856) British geologist, naturalist, collector (Cyanopica).