Black-banded Woodcreeper

Black-banded Woodcreeper / Dendrocolaptes picumnus

Black-banded Woodcreeper

Here the details of the Black-banded Woodcreeper named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dendrocolaptes picumnus
Protonym:  Dendrocolaptes Picumnus Abh.Konigl.Akad.Wiss.Berlin p.202
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blbwoo1
Type Locality:  Cayenne, ex Levaillant, Hist. Nat. Promerops, pi. 26.
Publish Year:  1820
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae;  Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper D. certhia) Gr. δενδροκολαπτης dendrokolaptēs  woodpecker  < δενδρον dendron  tree; κολαπτω kolaptō  to peck; "DENDROCOLAPTES. Nobis.  Rostrum vel incurvum vel rectum, basi nudum.  Lingua . . .  Pedes ambulatorii, digito posteriore modico.  Rectricum rhachis in setam producta.  Pic-Grimperau, Buffon T. VII. Victus moresque prorsus pici.  Major species rostro valido, mandibula superiore fornicata, subcurvata. Color fuscus.     Le Picucule de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. 621.  Minor species, rostro mediocri, rectissimo, acuto, dorso caudaque castaneis, capite, collo, ventreque nigris, albo-maculatis, more corvi caryocatactis.   Le Talapiot de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. t. 605.  Genus difficulter determinatur. Inter picum, sittam, certhiam intermedium.  Apud Gmelinum in Syst. Nat. hucusque non reperi." (Hermann 1804); "GENUS 24.  DENDROCOLAPTES Herrmann.  (Holzhauer Germ.  Pic-grimpereau Gall.)  ...  Species: Gracula Cayennensis, Oriolus Picus  LinGmel." (Illiger 1811); "The Genus Dendrocolaptes of Illiger [1811, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. Av., p. 212] (the Picacule of the French) have, in all the species I found in South America, precisely the same manners and habits as the Pici, climbing the trees with even greater facility, although their feet are those termed ambulatorii.  The type of this excellent genus is Gracula cayennensis of Linnæus.  M. Viellot [sic], some years after, without taking any notice of the previous distinction given these birds by Illiger, calls their genus Dendrocopus, a name evidently borrowed from Illiger; nor is this the only plagiarism committed by an ornithologist whose intrinsic merit requires no such dubious aid to increase his fame." (Swainson 1821); "Dendrocolaptes HERMANN, Observ. Zool, p. 135, 1804— type by subs. desig. (SWAINSON, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc., 3, p. 292, 1821) "Gracula cayennensis, of LINNAEUS" [= GMELIN] = Picus certhia BODDAERT." (Hellmayr, 1925, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IV, 259); "Dendrocolaptes Hermann, Observ. Zool., 1804, p. 135.  Type, by subsequent designation, "D. Cayanensis (Gm.), Pl. enl. 621" = Picus certhia Boddaert (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 18).1   ...   1 Swainson's earlier designation of the same species as the type is invalid, since he credits the genus to Illiger, 1811." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 31).  Under current Rules this is an incorrect conclusion (Laurent Raty in litt.)
Var. Dendrocaleptes, Dendrocalaptes.
Synon. Dendrocops, Dendrocopus, Orthocolaptes, Premnocopus.

Gr. δενδροκολαπτης dendrokolaptēs  woodpecker  < δενδρον dendron  tree; κολαπτω kolaptō  to peck.

(Picidae; Ϯ Golden-spangled Piculet P. exilis buffonii) French Picumne  piculet, little woodpecker  <  Roman myth. Picumnus, the personification of the woodpecker; "GENRE PICUMNE. GENUS PICUMNUS. TEMMINCK  ...  LES genres Pic, Martin-Pêcheur et Jacamar offrent une anomalie remarquable dans la forme des pieds, munis dans le plus grande nombre des espèces de quatre doigts par paire, dont le doigt interne postérieur est, dans les Pics, très-variable par rapport à la longueur, et manque quoique rarement, dans un nombre très-limité d'espèces. Cette même anomalie se retrouve dans le petit groupe d'oiseaux je donne le nom de Picumne. Sur quatre espèces connues il nous en est venu une pourvue seulement de trois doigts. Les découvertes anterieures ont depuis long-temps fourni à nos méthodes le type de ce genre, classé primitivement à la suite des Pics, Picus minutus, et associé depuis avec le Torcol d'Europe sous le nom de Yunx minutissima. Linné en avait d'abord fait un Manaquin sous le nom de Pipra minuta.  ...   1re. SECTION. — QUATRE DOIGTS PAR PAIRE.   Esp. 1. PICUMNE MINULE, sous le nom de très-petit Pic de Cayenne, Buff., pl. enl. 786, fig. 1.  ...  Ce sera Picumnus minutissimus, connu dans le système, Index de Lath., sous le nom de Picus minutus, vol. 1, pag. 243.  ...  Esp. 2. PICUMNE A TOUPET de nos pl. col. 371, fig. 1.  Picumnus cirratus. C'est le Charpentier nain d'Azara, Voy. au Parag., vol. 4, pag. 17.  ...  Esp. 3. PICUMNE MIGNON de nos pl. col. 371, fig. 2.  ...  Ce sera Picumnus exilis" (Temminck 1825); "Picumnus Temminck, Planch. Col., livr. 62, 1825, pl. 371 and text (Type Picumnus cirrhatus Temminck)." (Cory 1919, XIII, 501); "Picumnus Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 62, 1825, text to pl. 371. Type, by subsequent designation, Picus minutissimus (Gm.) Temm., Pl. enlum 786, f. 1 = Picumnus buffoni Lafresnaye. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 54.)" (Peters 1948, VI, 88).
Var. Picumus, Picunnus.
Synon. Asthenurus, Craugiscus, Piculus, Pipiscus, Vivia.

Mod. L. picumnus  little woodpecker  < dim. L. picus  woodpecker.
● ex “Picucule” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802, and “Grimpar Picucule” of Levaillant 1807 (Dendrocolaptes).


Black-banded Woodcreeper (Spot-throated)
SCI Name: Dendrocolaptes picumnus [puncticollis Group]
(Furnariidae;  Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper D. certhia) Gr. δενδροκολαπτης dendrokolaptēs  woodpecker  < δενδρον dendron  tree; κολαπτω kolaptō  to peck; "DENDROCOLAPTES. Nobis.  Rostrum vel incurvum vel rectum, basi nudum.  Lingua . . .  Pedes ambulatorii, digito posteriore modico.  Rectricum rhachis in setam producta.  Pic-Grimperau, Buffon T. VII. Victus moresque prorsus pici.  Major species rostro valido, mandibula superiore fornicata, subcurvata. Color fuscus.     Le Picucule de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. 621.  Minor species, rostro mediocri, rectissimo, acuto, dorso caudaque castaneis, capite, collo, ventreque nigris, albo-maculatis, more corvi caryocatactis.   Le Talapiot de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. t. 605.  Genus difficulter determinatur. Inter picum, sittam, certhiam intermedium.  Apud Gmelinum in Syst. Nat. hucusque non reperi." (Hermann 1804); "GENUS 24.  DENDROCOLAPTES Herrmann.  (Holzhauer Germ.  Pic-grimpereau Gall.)  ...  Species: Gracula Cayennensis, Oriolus Picus  LinGmel." (Illiger 1811); "The Genus Dendrocolaptes of Illiger [1811, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. Av., p. 212] (the Picacule of the French) have, in all the species I found in South America, precisely the same manners and habits as the Pici, climbing the trees with even greater facility, although their feet are those termed ambulatorii.  The type of this excellent genus is Gracula cayennensis of Linnæus.  M. Viellot [sic], some years after, without taking any notice of the previous distinction given these birds by Illiger, calls their genus Dendrocopus, a name evidently borrowed from Illiger; nor is this the only plagiarism committed by an ornithologist whose intrinsic merit requires no such dubious aid to increase his fame." (Swainson 1821); "Dendrocolaptes HERMANN, Observ. Zool, p. 135, 1804— type by subs. desig. (SWAINSON, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc., 3, p. 292, 1821) "Gracula cayennensis, of LINNAEUS" [= GMELIN] = Picus certhia BODDAERT." (Hellmayr, 1925, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IV, 259); "Dendrocolaptes Hermann, Observ. Zool., 1804, p. 135.  Type, by subsequent designation, "D. Cayanensis (Gm.), Pl. enl. 621" = Picus certhia Boddaert (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 18).1   ...   1 Swainson's earlier designation of the same species as the type is invalid, since he credits the genus to Illiger, 1811." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 31).  Under current Rules this is an incorrect conclusion (Laurent Raty in litt.)
Var. Dendrocaleptes, Dendrocalaptes.
Synon. Dendrocops, Dendrocopus, Orthocolaptes, Premnocopus.

Black-banded Woodcreeper (Black-banded)
SCI Name: Dendrocolaptes picumnus [picumnus Group]
(Furnariidae;  Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper D. certhia) Gr. δενδροκολαπτης dendrokolaptēs  woodpecker  < δενδρον dendron  tree; κολαπτω kolaptō  to peck; "DENDROCOLAPTES. Nobis.  Rostrum vel incurvum vel rectum, basi nudum.  Lingua . . .  Pedes ambulatorii, digito posteriore modico.  Rectricum rhachis in setam producta.  Pic-Grimperau, Buffon T. VII. Victus moresque prorsus pici.  Major species rostro valido, mandibula superiore fornicata, subcurvata. Color fuscus.     Le Picucule de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. 621.  Minor species, rostro mediocri, rectissimo, acuto, dorso caudaque castaneis, capite, collo, ventreque nigris, albo-maculatis, more corvi caryocatactis.   Le Talapiot de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. t. 605.  Genus difficulter determinatur. Inter picum, sittam, certhiam intermedium.  Apud Gmelinum in Syst. Nat. hucusque non reperi." (Hermann 1804); "GENUS 24.  DENDROCOLAPTES Herrmann.  (Holzhauer Germ.  Pic-grimpereau Gall.)  ...  Species: Gracula Cayennensis, Oriolus Picus  LinGmel." (Illiger 1811); "The Genus Dendrocolaptes of Illiger [1811, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. Av., p. 212] (the Picacule of the French) have, in all the species I found in South America, precisely the same manners and habits as the Pici, climbing the trees with even greater facility, although their feet are those termed ambulatorii.  The type of this excellent genus is Gracula cayennensis of Linnæus.  M. Viellot [sic], some years after, without taking any notice of the previous distinction given these birds by Illiger, calls their genus Dendrocopus, a name evidently borrowed from Illiger; nor is this the only plagiarism committed by an ornithologist whose intrinsic merit requires no such dubious aid to increase his fame." (Swainson 1821); "Dendrocolaptes HERMANN, Observ. Zool, p. 135, 1804— type by subs. desig. (SWAINSON, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc., 3, p. 292, 1821) "Gracula cayennensis, of LINNAEUS" [= GMELIN] = Picus certhia BODDAERT." (Hellmayr, 1925, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IV, 259); "Dendrocolaptes Hermann, Observ. Zool., 1804, p. 135.  Type, by subsequent designation, "D. Cayanensis (Gm.), Pl. enl. 621" = Picus certhia Boddaert (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 18).1   ...   1 Swainson's earlier designation of the same species as the type is invalid, since he credits the genus to Illiger, 1811." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 31).  Under current Rules this is an incorrect conclusion (Laurent Raty in litt.)
Var. Dendrocaleptes, Dendrocalaptes.
Synon. Dendrocops, Dendrocopus, Orthocolaptes, Premnocopus.

Black-banded Woodcreeper (Pale-billed)
SCI Name: Dendrocolaptes picumnus pallescens/casaresi
(Furnariidae;  Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper D. certhia) Gr. δενδροκολαπτης dendrokolaptēs  woodpecker  < δενδρον dendron  tree; κολαπτω kolaptō  to peck; "DENDROCOLAPTES. Nobis.  Rostrum vel incurvum vel rectum, basi nudum.  Lingua . . .  Pedes ambulatorii, digito posteriore modico.  Rectricum rhachis in setam producta.  Pic-Grimperau, Buffon T. VII. Victus moresque prorsus pici.  Major species rostro valido, mandibula superiore fornicata, subcurvata. Color fuscus.     Le Picucule de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. 621.  Minor species, rostro mediocri, rectissimo, acuto, dorso caudaque castaneis, capite, collo, ventreque nigris, albo-maculatis, more corvi caryocatactis.   Le Talapiot de Cayenne. Pl. enlum. t. 605.  Genus difficulter determinatur. Inter picum, sittam, certhiam intermedium.  Apud Gmelinum in Syst. Nat. hucusque non reperi." (Hermann 1804); "GENUS 24.  DENDROCOLAPTES Herrmann.  (Holzhauer Germ.  Pic-grimpereau Gall.)  ...  Species: Gracula Cayennensis, Oriolus Picus  LinGmel." (Illiger 1811); "The Genus Dendrocolaptes of Illiger [1811, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. Av., p. 212] (the Picacule of the French) have, in all the species I found in South America, precisely the same manners and habits as the Pici, climbing the trees with even greater facility, although their feet are those termed ambulatorii.  The type of this excellent genus is Gracula cayennensis of Linnæus.  M. Viellot [sic], some years after, without taking any notice of the previous distinction given these birds by Illiger, calls their genus Dendrocopus, a name evidently borrowed from Illiger; nor is this the only plagiarism committed by an ornithologist whose intrinsic merit requires no such dubious aid to increase his fame." (Swainson 1821); "Dendrocolaptes HERMANN, Observ. Zool, p. 135, 1804— type by subs. desig. (SWAINSON, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc., 3, p. 292, 1821) "Gracula cayennensis, of LINNAEUS" [= GMELIN] = Picus certhia BODDAERT." (Hellmayr, 1925, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IV, 259); "Dendrocolaptes Hermann, Observ. Zool., 1804, p. 135.  Type, by subsequent designation, "D. Cayanensis (Gm.), Pl. enl. 621" = Picus certhia Boddaert (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 18).1   ...   1 Swainson's earlier designation of the same species as the type is invalid, since he credits the genus to Illiger, 1811." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 31).  Under current Rules this is an incorrect conclusion (Laurent Raty in litt.)
Var. Dendrocaleptes, Dendrocalaptes.
Synon. Dendrocops, Dendrocopus, Orthocolaptes, Premnocopus.