White-headed Starling

White-headed Starling / Sturnia erythropygia

White-headed Starling

Here the details of the White-headed Starling named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sturnia erythropygia
Protonym:  Sturnia erythropygia J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 15 p.34
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Sturnidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whhsta2
Type Locality:  Nicobar Islands.
Publish Year:  1846
IUCN Status:  


(Sturnidae; Ϯ White-shouldered Starling S. sinensis) Variation of genus Sturnus Linnaeus, 1758, starling; "Les STURNIES (sturnia, Less.) sont des oiseaux intermédiaires aux étourneaux et aux pastors, et par conséquent ont des caractères communs aux deux genres.  ...  Le plumage de ces oiseaux est doux, le duvet est de nature soyeuse. Les espèces sont répandues dans le nord de l'Inde et du Japon. L'espèce type est la sturnie élégante4, dont Daubenton a donné une fort mauvaise figure (Enl. 617), sous le nom de kink de la Chine.  ...  4 Pastor chinensis, Temm.; oriolus sinensis et sturnus sericeus, Lath.; pastor elegans, Less., Zool. de Bélanger, pl. 6." (Lesson 1837); "Sturnia Lesson, 1837, Compl. Buffon, 9, p. 53. Type, by original designation, Pastor elegans Lesson = Oriolus sinensis Gmelin." (Amadon in Peters 1962, XV, 104).
Synon. Hetaerornis, Temenuchus.

erythropygia / erythropygium / erythropygius
Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē   rump.
● ex “Red-rumped Creeper” of Latham 1801 (syn. Myzomela sanguinolenta).

(Muscicapidae; syn. Cercotrichas † White-browed Scrub Robin C. leucophrys) Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump; "Genus ERYTHROPYGIA.  Bill moderate, slender, curved, and compressed towards the point, upper mandible slightly notched; nostrils basal, above membranaceous; rictus slightly bristled; wings short, round, fourth and fifth quills longest; tail rounded; tarsi moderate, acrotarsia divided; claws moderately curved.    Erythropygia pectoralis. Top of head grey-brown; back dull brown; rump and tail coverts rufous   ...   Inhabits the country between the Orange River and Kurrichaine.    Erythropygia Paena. Top of head grey-brown; back pale rufous brown; rump and tail coverts bright rufous  ...  Inhabits the country between Latakoo and the Tropic." (A. Smith 1836); "Erythropygia A. Smith, 1836, Rep. Exped. Centr. Africa, p. 46.  Type, by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 7, p. 72), Erythropygia pectoralis Smith = Sylvia leucophrys Vieillot." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 18).
Var. Crythropygia.


White-headed Starling (erythropygia)
SCI Name: Sturnia erythropygia erythropygia
erythropygia / erythropygium / erythropygius
Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; -πυγιος -pugios  -rumped  < πυγη pugē   rump.
● ex “Red-rumped Creeper” of Latham 1801 (syn. Myzomela sanguinolenta).

White-headed Starling (andamanensis)
SCI Name: Sturnia erythropygia andamanensis
andamana / andamanensis / andamanica / andamanicus / andamanus
Andaman Is., Indian Ocean.

White-headed Starling (katchalensis)
SCI Name: Sturnia erythropygia katchalensis
Katchal I., Nicobar Is.