Streamer-tailed Tyrant

Streamer-tailed Tyrant / Gubernetes yetapa

Streamer-tailed Tyrant

Here the details of the Streamer-tailed Tyrant named bird below:

SCI Name:  Gubernetes yetapa
Protonym:  Muscicapa yetapa Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 21 p.460
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  stttyr2
Type Locality:  Paraguay.
Publish Year:  1818
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Streamer-tailed Tyrant G. yetapa) Gr. γυβερνητης gubernētēs or κυβερνητης kubernētēs  guide, governor  < κυβερναω kubernaō  to guide (i.e. Colonel Cunninghame) ("Kυβερνητης, a pilot, κυβερναω, to steer, (from the forked rudder-like tail)" (Ashmolean 1836)); "Genus. GUBERNETES. Mihi.   Generis CharacteresRostrum crassum, subdepressum, basi sublatum, culmine rotundato; mandibula superiore apice leviter emarginata; naribus rotundis; rictus vibrissis confertis, rigidis.  Alæ mediocres remigibus 1ma ad 5tam fere æqualibus, prima brevissima, secunda longissima, pogoniis externis, primæ pogonio excepto, in medio emarginatis, internis integris.  Pedes; tarsis mediocribus; acrotarsiis paratarsiisque scutellatis; plantis reticulatis, squamis ovalibus.  Cauda longissima, forficata.   CUNNINGHAMI.   ...   This bird appears to have a considerable affinity to the genus Psaris of M. Cuvier in the structure of its bill and wings, but it differs from it by other such essential characters as to have induced me to place it in a separate genus. Besides the differences in the structure of the tail, an important character in the present group of birds [Laniadæ], which still retain some of the powers of flight belonging to the Fissirostres, the following differences may be noticed between the two forms. The rictal bristles of my bird are strong and numerous, while in Psaris they are scarcely perceptible. The tarsi though somewhat longer than those of Psaris are in a slight degree weaker, while the toes are longer and stronger. The lateral scales of the tarsi are square and far asunder, while in Psaris they are rounded and numerous. The hinder scales also are less rounded, less close, and less conspicuous than in the latter genus.  I have named this species in honour of my friend, Colonel Cunninghame, of Rio de Janeiro" (Such 1825); "Gubernetes Such, 1825, Zool. Journ., 2, p. 114. Type, by monotypy, Gubernetes cunninghami Such = Muscicapa yetapa Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 182).
Synon. Cybernetes, Tyrannina.

Güaraní name Guihrá jetapá cutter bird, for the Strange-tailed Tyrant Yetapa.
● ex “Yiperú” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 75 (Gubernetes).
● ex “Alcón cola-tixera” of de Azara 1802 (syn. Elanoides forficatus).

(syn. Alectrurus Ϯ Strange-tailed Tyrant A. risora) “Le Moucherolle Guirayetapa  ... Le nom latinisé sous lequel nous décrivons cette espèce est celui qu’elle porte au Brésil: les Guaranis, peuplade du Paraguay, l’appellent guirayetapa, qui dans leur langue signifie oiseau coupeur, ou en ciseaux” (Vieillot 1824); "Sous-genre. YETAPA; Yetapa.  Bec assez fort, triangulaire, peu crochu; ailes courtes; concaves; queue courte, égale; les deux rectrices externes roides, très-longues, garnies de barbes sur un seul côté; tarses alongés.   36.º Muscicapa psalura, Temm., pl. 286 et 296. Du Brésil.  Muscicapa risoria, Vieill., Gal., pl. 131" (Lesson 1830).