Band-rumped Swift

Band-rumped Swift / Chaetura spinicaudus

Band-rumped Swift

Here the details of the Band-rumped Swift named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chaetura spinicaudus
Protonym:  Cypselus spinicaudus Pl.Col. livr.101-2 Tab.Meth. p.78
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Apodidae /
Taxonomy Code:  barswi
Type Locality:  Cayenne, ex Daubenton, pi. 726, f. 1.
Publish Year:  1839
IUCN Status:  


(Apodidae; Ϯ Chimney Swift C. pelagica) Gr. χαιτη khaitē  long flowing hair; ουρα oura  tail; "GENUS XLI.—CHÆTURA mihi.  Beak with the lower mandible straight at the tip.  Wings very long.  Tail very short; its feathers subulated and acute at the tip.  HIRUNDO Auctorum.—CYPSELUS, pars. Temm.    Sp. 1. Ch. pelasgia. Hirundo pelasgia. Steph. v. x. 128.—North America.   Sp. 2. Ch. Martinicana. Hirunda acuta. Steph. v. x. 131. pl. 15.—West Indies.   Sp. 3. Ch. pacifica. Hirundo pacifica. Steph. v. x. 132.—New Holland.   Sp. 4. Ch. australis. Hirundo caudacuta. Steph. v. x. 133.—New South Wales.   Sp. 5. Ch. fusca. Hirundo fusca. Steph. v. x. 133.——?   Sp. 6. Ch. collaris.  ...  INHABITS Brazil." (Stephens 1826); "Chætura Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., 13, pt. 2, 1826, p. 76. Type, by subsequent designation, Chaetura pelasgia Stevens [sic] = Hirundo pelagica Linné. (Swainson, Zool. Illustr. (2), 1, 1829, text to pl. 42.)" (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 235).
Var. Chatura, Chaturae.
Synon. Acanthura, Acanthylis, Pelasgia, Uranteris.

spinicauda / spinicaudus
L. spina thorn; cauda tail.
● ex “Pato cola aguda” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 429 (Anas).
● ex “Thorn-tailed Warbler” of Latham 1783 (Aphrastura).
● ex “Hirondelle à queue pointue de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 726, fig. 1, and “Hirondelle acutipenne de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Chaetura).
● ex “Pie-grièche à queue épineuse” of Hombron & Jacquinot 1843 (Pachycephala).


Band-rumped Swift (aetherodroma)
SCI Name: Chaetura spinicaudus aetherodroma
Gr. αιθηρ aithēr, αιθερος aitheros  ether, heaven; -δρομος -dromos  -running  < τρεχω trekhō  to run.

Band-rumped Swift (spinicaudus/latirostris)
SCI Name: Chaetura spinicaudus spinicaudus/latirostris
(Apodidae; Ϯ Chimney Swift C. pelagica) Gr. χαιτη khaitē  long flowing hair; ουρα oura  tail; "GENUS XLI.—CHÆTURA mihi.  Beak with the lower mandible straight at the tip.  Wings very long.  Tail very short; its feathers subulated and acute at the tip.  HIRUNDO Auctorum.—CYPSELUS, pars. Temm.    Sp. 1. Ch. pelasgia. Hirundo pelasgia. Steph. v. x. 128.—North America.   Sp. 2. Ch. Martinicana. Hirunda acuta. Steph. v. x. 131. pl. 15.—West Indies.   Sp. 3. Ch. pacifica. Hirundo pacifica. Steph. v. x. 132.—New Holland.   Sp. 4. Ch. australis. Hirundo caudacuta. Steph. v. x. 133.—New South Wales.   Sp. 5. Ch. fusca. Hirundo fusca. Steph. v. x. 133.——?   Sp. 6. Ch. collaris.  ...  INHABITS Brazil." (Stephens 1826); "Chætura Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., 13, pt. 2, 1826, p. 76. Type, by subsequent designation, Chaetura pelasgia Stevens [sic] = Hirundo pelagica Linné. (Swainson, Zool. Illustr. (2), 1, 1829, text to pl. 42.)" (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 235).
Var. Chatura, Chaturae.
Synon. Acanthura, Acanthylis, Pelasgia, Uranteris.

Band-rumped Swift (aethalea)
SCI Name: Chaetura spinicaudus aethalea
aethalea / aethaleum / aethalia
Gr. αιθαλεος aithaleos  smoky  < αιθαλη aithalē  soot, thick smoke  < αιθω aithō  to burn.