Common Sunbird-Asity

Common Sunbird-Asity / Neodrepanis coruscans

Common Sunbird-Asity

Here the details of the Common Sunbird-Asity named bird below:

SCI Name:  Neodrepanis coruscans
Protonym:  Neodrepanis coruscans Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.76
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Philepittidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sunasi1
Type Locality:  Madagascar [= near Antananarivo [= Tananarive] , fide Shelley, 1900, Birds of Africa, 2, p. 12] .
Publish Year:  1875
IUCN Status:  


(Philepittidae; Ϯ Common Sunbird Asity N. coruscans) Gr. νεος neos  new, strange; δρεπανη drepanē, δρεπανης drepanēs  scimitar; "NEODREPANIS, gen. nov.  Allied to Nectarinia and Cinnyris, but at once to be distinguished by its scimitar-like bill, and nearly obsolete first and sinuated second primary, as shsown in the accompanying woodcut.    The type is NEODREPANIS CORUSCANS, sp. n.   ...   It is much to be regretted that this pretty little bird is not quite in full plumage; but the colour of its metallic upper surface shows that it is not a Mascarene or African Sun-bird, with nearly every one of which I am acquainted.  It is, moreover, evidently the type of an entirely new genus, and undoubtedly distinct from every Sun-bird known to me or represented in the Museum." (Sharpe 1875).

L. coruscans, coruscantis  twinkling  < coruscare  to twinkle.