Thick-billed Murre

Thick-billed Murre / Uria lomvia

Thick-billed Murre

Here the details of the Thick-billed Murre named bird below:

SCI Name:  Uria lomvia
Protonym:  Alca Lomvia Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.130
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Alcidae /
Taxonomy Code:  thbmur
Type Locality:  Boreal Europe; restricted type locality, Greenland, apud Hartert, antea, p. 1773.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Alcidae; Ϯ Common Guillemot U. aalge) Gr. ουρια ouria  kind of waterfowl mentioned by Athenaeus; "Alca. Genus 94.  ...  **1. LE GUILLEMOT.  ...  URIA.  ...   Les Grecs l'appellent ουρια" (Brisson 1760): based on 'Uria' of Gessner 1555, Aldrovandus 1599-1603, and Jonston 1650, "Lomvia" of Clusius 1605, Nieremberg 1635, Willughby 1676, and Sibbald 1684, "Jomuvia" of Charleton 1668, "Lomben" of Klein 1750, "Cataractes" of Moehring 1752, and Alca Lomvia Linnaeus, 1758; "Uria Brisson, Orn., 1760, 1, p. 52; 6, p. 70. Type, by tautonymy, Uria Brisson = Colymbus aalge Pontoppidan." (Peters 1934, II, 352).
Synon. Cataractes, Lomvia, Mergus.
● (syn. Cepphus Ϯ Black Guillemot C. grylle) "GENVS L.  VRIA.  Schaeff. Ornith. Tab. VIII. F. 4. 5. No. 31.   191. Uria Grylle.  Le petit Guillemot noir appellé vulgairement Colombe de Groenland.  Grönländische Taube.  TAB. XXXII.   Uria nigricans; tectricibus alarum superioribus mediis, et maioribus corpori finitimis candidis; rectricibus nigricantibus.  ...  Linn. S. N. 12. 220. 1.  Colymbus Grylle." (Schaeffer 1789).

Swedish dialect name Lomvia for the Common Guillemot  < Old Norse names Langve or Langivia for a guillemot (cf. Old Norse name Lōma for a diver) (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.); "63. ALCA.  ...  Lomvia.  4. A. rostro lævi oblongo: mandibula superiore margine flavescente.  Lomvia. Clus. exot. 367. Will. orn. 244. t. 65. Raj. av. 120.  Gvillemot. Alb. av. l. p. 80. t. 84.  Habitat in Europa boreali." (Linnaeus 1758) (Uria).

(syn. Uria Ϯ Brünnich's Guillemot U. lomvia) Specific name Alca lomvia Linnaeus, 1758; "2. Gen. Uria Brünn.   ...  a. Subgen. Lomvia. Rostrum altius et latius.  Spec. 1. Uria Troile Lath. (Uria Lomvia Brünn.)   Spec. 2. Uria Brünnichii Sabine. - Uria Francsii Leach; Uria Troile Brünn.   Spec. 3. Uria Ringvia Brünn.  Ur. lacrymans La Pylaie" (Brandt 1837); "Lomvia Brandt, Bull. Sci. Acad. Sci. St. Pétersb., 2, col. 345, 1837—type, by tautonymy, Alca lomvia Linnaeus." (Hellmayr & Conover 1948, XIII, 348).   Var. Lomwia.


Thick-billed Murre (lomvia)
SCI Name: Uria lomvia lomvia
Swedish dialect name Lomvia for the Common Guillemot  < Old Norse names Langve or Langivia for a guillemot (cf. Old Norse name Lōma for a diver) (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.); "63. ALCA.  ...  Lomvia.  4. A. rostro lævi oblongo: mandibula superiore margine flavescente.  Lomvia. Clus. exot. 367. Will. orn. 244. t. 65. Raj. av. 120.  Gvillemot. Alb. av. l. p. 80. t. 84.  Habitat in Europa boreali." (Linnaeus 1758) (Uria).

Thick-billed Murre (eleonorae)
SCI Name: Uria lomvia eleonorae
● Giudicessa Eleonora d’Arborea (1350-1404) heroine of Sardinia’s struggle for independence from Aragon, and who promulgated a law protecting goshawks and falcons at their nests (Falco).
● Eleonora Portenko (fl. 1937) daughter of Russian ornithologist Leonid Portenko; "meiner Tochter, die auf einem Dampschiff im Bering-Meer geboren ist" (Portenko 1937) (Michael Rieser in litt.) (subsp. Uria lomvia).

Thick-billed Murre (heckeri)
SCI Name: Uria lomvia heckeri
Dr R. Theodor Hecker (fl. 1943) explorer in Siberia and the Arctic (subsp. Uria lomvia).

Thick-billed Murre (arra)
SCI Name: Uria lomvia arra
According to Pallas 1811, Arra was the name for a guillemot in Kamchatka ("nomine vocatur Arra"); "Russian local name, Ahr'-rah" (Buxton in Allen 1905) (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Uria lomvia).