Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel

Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel / Oceanodroma tethys

Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel

Here the details of the Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel named bird below:

SCI Name:  Oceanodroma tethys
Protonym:  Thalassidroma Tethys Tageb.Dtsch.Naturf.AertzeWiesbaden Beilage 7 p.89
Taxonomy:  Procellariiformes / Hydrobatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wrspet
Type Locality:  Galapagos Islands.
Publish Year:  1852
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Hydrobates Ϯ Fork-tailed Storm-petrel H. furcata) Gr. ωκεανος ōkeanos  ocean; -δρομος -dromos  -runner  < τρεχω trekhō  to run; "Genera et Species typicæ.  ...  d. Oceanodroma Rchb. furcata (Proc. — L. Gm.)  Ic. Av. t. 16. ic. 785.  t. 18. ic. 2245—46." (Reichenbach 1853); "185. Oceanodroma, Reich. (Thalassidroma, p. Gr.)  Rostrum majusculum; tubo nasali recto: alae modicae: cauda furcata: pedes breves, podiis angustis; unguibus parvulis, compressis.  Dilute cinereae.    M. Atl. et Pac.  2.   1. PROCELLARIA furcata, Gm.   ...   2. THALASSIDROMA hornbyi, Gr." (Bonaparte 1857).    Var. OceanododromaOceandodroma.

Gr. myth. Tethys, the supreme sea-goddess, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, wife to Oceanus, and mother of the Oceanides (Hydrobates).


Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel (tethys)
SCI Name: Oceanodroma tethys tethys
Gr. myth. Tethys, the supreme sea-goddess, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, wife to Oceanus, and mother of the Oceanides (Hydrobates).

Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel (kelsalli)
SCI Name: Oceanodroma tethys kelsalli
Col. Harry Joseph Kelsall (1867-1950) British Army, ornithologist, plant-collector in Malaysia, Sierra Leone, Colombia and the Pacific 1892-1925 (subsp. Camaroptera chloronota, subsp. Fraseria ocreata, subsp. Hydrobates tethys).