Red-and-yellow Barbet

Red-and-yellow Barbet / Trachyphonus erythrocephalus

Red-and-yellow Barbet

Here the details of the Red-and-yellow Barbet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Trachyphonus erythrocephalus
Protonym:  Trachyphonus erythrocephalus J.Orn. 26 p.206,241 pl.2
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Lybiidae /
Taxonomy Code:  raybar1
Type Locality:  Ukamba, Kitui, Kenya Colony.
Publish Year:  1878
IUCN Status:  


(Lybiidae; Ϯ Crested Barbet T. vaillantii) Gr. τραχυφωνος trakhuphōnos  harsh-voiced  < τραχυς trakhus  rough; φωνη phōnē  sound, cry  < φωνεω phōneō  to call (cf. φωνος phōnos  loud-voiced); "Trachifono, Trachyphonus (1)   ...   (1) Da τραχυφωνος — che ha voce aspra.   ...   Sp. unica: Trachifono di Vaillant, Trachyphonus Vaillantii.  Le Promépic franc.   ...   Il grido è cral, cral, cral." (Ranzani 1821); "Trachyphonus Ranzani, Elem. di Zool., 3, 1821, pt. 2, p. 157. Type, by monotypy, Trachyphonus vaillantii Ranzani." (Peters 1948, VI, 60).
Synon. CapitonidesCucupicus, Micropogon, Murututtu, Polysticte, Promepicus, Tamatia.

erythrocephala / erythrocephalum / erythrocephalus
Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.
● "96. LOXIA.  ...  eryocephala [sic].  9. L. cinerascens, capite purpurascente, pectore albo maculato.  Passer paradisæus, capite rubro, pectore nigro albo maculato. Edw. av. 180. t. 180.   Habitat in Africa.  Corpus supra cinereum, griseo maculatum; subtus totum fuscum maculis albis rotundis. Alæ fuscæ. Remiges margine griseæ. Cauda nigra, forficata. Caput purpureum." (Linnaeus 1758) (Amadina).
● ex “Barbu de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 206, fig. 1 (syn. Capito niger).
● "100. PARUS.  ...  erythrocephalus.  10. P. niger, capite femoribusque fulvis.  Parus auricapillus. Klein. av. 86.  Parus niger, capite fulvo. Edw. av. 21. p. 21.  Habitat in America australi." (Linnaeus 1758) (Ceratopipra).
● ex “Petit Pic à Baguettes d’Or” of Levaillant 1808, pl. 253 (syn. Dendropicos fuscescens).
● ex “Red-headed Finch” of Latham 1783 (syn. Foudia rubra).
● "54. PICUS.  ...  erythrocephalus.  5. P. capite toto rubro, alis caudaque nigris, abdomine albo.  Picus capite toto rubro. Catesb. car. I. p. 20. t. 20.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Melanerpes).
● ex “Apiaster indicus erythrocephalus” of Brisson 1760, “Guêpier à tête rouge” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Red-headed Bee-eater” of Shaw 1778 and Latham 1782 (syn. Merops leschenaulti).
● ex “Red-headed Swallow” of Latham 1783 (unident.; ?syn. Petrochelidon fluvicola).
● ex “Psittaca ginginiana erythrocephalos” of Brisson 1760, “Perruche à tête rouge de Gingi” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 264, “Perruche à tête rouge” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blossom-headed Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacula roseata).


Red-and-yellow Barbet (shelleyi)
SCI Name: Trachyphonus erythrocephalus shelleyi
● Capt. George Ernest Shelley (1840-1910) British Army, geologist, ornithologist, collector in South Africa, Egypt, the Sudan, Australia and Burma (Aethopyga, syn. Apus niansae, Bubo, subsp. Caprimulgus pectoralis, syn. Chlorocichla flavicollis flavigula, Cinnyris, syn. Coccyzus minor, syn. Crithagra sulphurata sharpii, Cryptospiza, syn. Eubucco bourcierii aequatorialis, syn. Eubucco bourcierii orientalis, Lamprotornis, Nesocharis, syn. Onychognathus morio, Passer, syn. Ploceus velatus, subsp. Riparia riparia, subsp. Streptopelia decipiens, subsp. Trachyphonus erythrocephalus).
● Sir Edward Shelley 4th Baronet Shelley of Castle Goring (1827-1890) English traveller, collector in Matabeleland 1873 (syn. Myrmecocichla arnotti, Scleroptila).

Red-and-yellow Barbet (versicolor)
SCI Name: Trachyphonus erythrocephalus versicolor
L. versicolor, versicoloris  of various colours  < vertere  to change; color, coloris  colour.
● ex “Perroquet de La Havane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 360 (Amazona).
● ex “Barbu des Maynas” of Brisson 1760 (Eubucco).
● ex “Perruche à gorge tachetée de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 144, “Perruche, no. 2” of Fermin 1769, “Perruche à gorge variée” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Wave-breasted Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Pyrrhura picta).
● ex "Pato pico de tres colores" of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 440 (Spatula).
● ex “Variable Crow” of Latham 1801 (Strepera).

Red-and-yellow Barbet (erythrocephalus)
SCI Name: Trachyphonus erythrocephalus erythrocephalus
erythrocephala / erythrocephalum / erythrocephalus
Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; -κεφαλος -kephalos  -headed  < κεφαλη kephalē  head.
● "96. LOXIA.  ...  eryocephala [sic].  9. L. cinerascens, capite purpurascente, pectore albo maculato.  Passer paradisæus, capite rubro, pectore nigro albo maculato. Edw. av. 180. t. 180.   Habitat in Africa.  Corpus supra cinereum, griseo maculatum; subtus totum fuscum maculis albis rotundis. Alæ fuscæ. Remiges margine griseæ. Cauda nigra, forficata. Caput purpureum." (Linnaeus 1758) (Amadina).
● ex “Barbu de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 206, fig. 1 (syn. Capito niger).
● "100. PARUS.  ...  erythrocephalus.  10. P. niger, capite femoribusque fulvis.  Parus auricapillus. Klein. av. 86.  Parus niger, capite fulvo. Edw. av. 21. p. 21.  Habitat in America australi." (Linnaeus 1758) (Ceratopipra).
● ex “Petit Pic à Baguettes d’Or” of Levaillant 1808, pl. 253 (syn. Dendropicos fuscescens).
● ex “Red-headed Finch” of Latham 1783 (syn. Foudia rubra).
● "54. PICUS.  ...  erythrocephalus.  5. P. capite toto rubro, alis caudaque nigris, abdomine albo.  Picus capite toto rubro. Catesb. car. I. p. 20. t. 20.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Melanerpes).
● ex “Apiaster indicus erythrocephalus” of Brisson 1760, “Guêpier à tête rouge” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Red-headed Bee-eater” of Shaw 1778 and Latham 1782 (syn. Merops leschenaulti).
● ex “Red-headed Swallow” of Latham 1783 (unident.; ?syn. Petrochelidon fluvicola).
● ex “Psittaca ginginiana erythrocephalos” of Brisson 1760, “Perruche à tête rouge de Gingi” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 264, “Perruche à tête rouge” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blossom-headed Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacula roseata).