Moss-backed Tanager

Moss-backed Tanager / Bangsia edwardsi

Moss-backed Tanager

Here the details of the Moss-backed Tanager named bird below:

SCI Name:  Bangsia edwardsi
Protonym:  Buthraupis edwardsi Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.Bull. 1 p.77 pl.4 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thraupidae /
Taxonomy Code:  mobtan1
Type Locality:  Nouvelle-Grenade [= Colombia] .
Publish Year:  1865
IUCN Status:  


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Blue-and-gold Tanager B. arcaei caeruleigularis) Outram Bangs (1863-1932) US zoologist, collector. "Bangsia gen. nov.   Type.— Buthraupis arcæi cæruleigularis Cherrie.   Characters.— In general resembling Buthraupis, but differing considerably in shape of bill and form of wing. Bill rather long and comparatively slender; depth at base about equal to width and to gonys (in this respect resembling Buthraupis), but decidedly less than length of maxilla from nostril. Wing long, about four times the length of the tarsus; more pointed than in Buthraupis, third primary (from outside) longest, the first very little shorter than the third and longer than the fifth (or sixth?); primaries exceeding secondaries by about the length of the tarsus. Tail comparatively much shorter than in Buthraupis, about one half or a little more than one half the length of the wing; slightly rounded or nearly square (slightly forked in B. a. cæruleigularis), not so decidedly rounded as in Buthraupis.  ...  Remarks. — It gives me great pleasure to dedicate this well-marked genus to Mr. Outram Bangs.  ...  In selecting as type B. a. cæruleigularis rather than the earlier form, B. a. arcæi, I have been influenced by the condition of the material at hand." (Penard 1919). "Bangsia Penard, Auk, 36, p. 539, 1919—type, by orig. desig., Buthraupis caeruleigularis Ridgway." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 194).

eduardi / edward / edwardi / edwardii / edwardsi / edwardsii
● Prof. Alphonse Milne-Edwards (1835-1900) French zoologist (‡Alectoris, syn. Casuarius bennetti westermanniLophura, syn. Porphyrio poliocephalus viridis).
● Edward Wilson (1808-1888) British naturalist, trochilidist, High Sheriff of Pembrokeshire (Amazilia).
● Prof. Henri Milne Edwards (1800-1885) French zoologist, father of Alphonse Milne-Edwards (syn. Ardeotis nigriceps, Bangsia, Calonectris, Carpodacus, syn. Nilaus aferPsittaculirostris).
● George Edwards (1694-1773) English traveller, naturalist, painter (syn. Anser caerulescens (ex "Blue-Winged Goose" of Edwards 1750) (Laurent Raty in litt.), syn. Crax rubra (ex “Curasso-Bird” of Edwards 1760), syn. Euplectes orix (ex "Grenadier" of Edwards 1751), ?syn. Limosa haemastica (ex "White Godwit from Hudson's Bay" of Edwards 1750), syn. Loriculus beryllinus, syn. Manacus manacus (ex “Black-capped Manakin” of Edwards 1758, and “Manakin à tête noire de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 303, fig. 1), syn. Neophema pulchella (ex “Perruche Edwards” of Levaillant 1801), syn. Phaethon lepturus catesbyi (ex “Tropick Bird” of Edwards 1750)).
● Dr Ernest Preston Edwards (1919-2011) US ornithologist, collector (syn. Dactylortyx thoracicus chiapensis).
● Edward Prince of Wales (1894-1972) later Edward VIII (reigned 1936, abdicated) and Duke of Windsor (subsp. Menura novaehollandiae).
Edward Charles Migdalski (1918-2009) US ichthyologist, collector, explorer, sportsman (syn. Spilopelia chinensis suratensis).
Edward Charles Stuart Baker (1864-1944) British ornithologist, oologist, Indian Police 1883-1912, collector (syn. Thalasseus bergii velox).
● Sir Edward Newton (1832-1897) British assistant colonial secretary on Mauritius 1859-1877, naturalist, collector in Madagascar 1861-1862, and Seychelles 1866 (Tylas) (NB. edwardnewtoni is a misspelling of eponym enewtoni).
● Sir Edward John Lees Hallstrom (1886-1970) Australian businessman, aviculturalist, philanthropist (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Zapornia tabuensis).
● These eponyms were confused and frequently misspelled or mistakenly corrected (e.g. Tylas edwardsi).