Buru Jungle-Flycatcher

Buru Jungle-Flycatcher / Eumyias additus

Buru Jungle-Flycatcher

Here the details of the Buru Jungle-Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Eumyias additus
Protonym:  Microeca addita Novit.Zool. 7 p.234
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  burjuf1
Type Locality:  Mt. Mada, western Buru.
Publish Year:  1900
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Indigo Warbling Flycatcher E. indigo) Gr. ευ eu  fine, beauty; Mod. L. myias  flycatcher  < Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muias  fly; πιαζω piazō  to seize; "Gen. EUMYIAS nov. gen *)  Schmuck-Fliegenfänger.   328. 1. E. indigo Nob. — Muscicapa indigo Horsf. Trans. Lin. Soc. Vol. XIII. pag. 146.  id. Zool. Researches in Java cum. tab. — Hypothymis indigo Boie. —  Stoparola indigo Blyth. Cat. Calc. Mus. p. 174. — Hypothymis coerulea Bonap. Consp. p. 320. No. 1. (nec Lin. Boie.)  Muscicapa coelestina Licht. in Mus. Berol.   ...   *) Von ευ u. μυια, Fliege, analog wie σπιζιας von σπιζα.  Unterscheidet sich von der nahe verwandten Gattung Dimorpha Hodgs., mit welcher sie die Bildung und Färbung der Schwanzfedern gemein hat, durch den breitern Schnabel, durch kürzere Flügel, weniger entwickelte Zehen und die vorherrschend blaue Färbung des Gefiders [sic]." (Cabanis 1853); "Eumyias Cabanis, Mus. Hein. vol. i. p. 53, 1851.  Type (by monotypy): Muscicapa indigo Horsfield." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 528).
Synon. Glaucomyias, Stoporala.

addita / additus
L. additus  added  < addere  to add.
● "26.  Microeca addita sp. nov.   This remarkable new bird is closely allied to the bird I described (NOV. ZOOL. IV. pp. 170, 524) as Microeca oscillans from the mountains of South Flores.  I should not wonder if a new genus would be created for these birds, but I prefer for the present not to separate it from Microeca, leaving the vexed question of the genera of Muscicapidae to others.  The new species, Microeca addita, differs from M. oscillans in its larger size, more uniform brown upperside, darker rufous brown, not chestnut-brown tail, whitish (not buff) under tail- and under wing-coverts and lighter breast." (Hartert 1900) (Eumyias).
● "In the Durban Museum Novitates, vol. vi, (16), p. 199, 1962, I described a new race of the Black-headed Oriole from the coastal lowlands of Moçambique as Oriolus larvatus tibicen Lawson, the type-locality being Panda, in the Inhambane district.  Unfortunately I now find that this name is pre-occupied by Oriolus Galbula tibicen A. E. Brehm, Verz. Samml., 1866, p. 4, nom. nud. lodged in the synonymy of Oriolus oriolus oriolus (Linnaeus), 1758, by Hartert in Vög. pal. Fauna, vol. i, p. 51, 1903, from which it cannot be extracted and used again.  I therefore propose  Oriolus larvatus additus nom. nov., for O. l. tibicen Lawson, 1962, not O. G. tibicen A. E. Brehm 1866 (Hartert, 1903)." (Lawson 1969) (syn. Oriolus larvatus tibicen).