Black-crested Bulbul

Black-crested Bulbul / Rubigula flaviventris

Black-crested Bulbul

Here the details of the Black-crested Bulbul named bird below:

SCI Name:  Rubigula flaviventris
Protonym:  Vanga Flaviventris J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal Vol. 2, N° 23 p. 573
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blcbul2
Type Locality:  Dampara, Singhbhum District, Bihar.
Publish Year:  1833
IUCN Status:  


(synPycnonotus Ϯ Ruby-throated Bulbul P. dispar) Med. L. rubinus  ruby  < L. rubeus  red  < ruber  red; L. gula  throat; "Br. gularis would seem to be a true congener of Br. dispar, (Horsf.,) Sw.  To the type of the two latter species, I shall now provisionally give the name Rubigula   ...   Rubigula, nobis.  There is unfortunately no specimen in the museum from which I can define this group, but of the present series it makes the nearest approach to Pycnonotus, and has the rump uniformly coloured with the back, and a subquadrate tail, unlike the next form [Brachypodius]. The species (at least in the male sex) are remarkable for the brilliant ruby, or sometimes orange-ruby, hue of the throat, the feathers of which are rigid and glistening. Three species would appear to have been ascertained.   1. R. dispar, (Horsfield), Lin. Tr. XIII, 150. Malay countries.   2. R. gularis, (Gould), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835, p. 186; Brachypus rubineus, Jerdon. Southern India.   3. R. ——, (Temminck), p. c. 382, fig. 2, as noticed in Griffith's 'Animal Kingdom,' VI, 390. Java." (Blyth 1845); "Rubigula Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 576. Type, by subsequent designation, Turdus dispar Horsfield. (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 47.)" (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 223).

flaviventer / flaviventre / flaviventris
L. flavus  yellow, golden-yellow; venter, ventris  belly.
● ex “Ortolan à ventre jaune du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 664, fig. 2 (Emberiza).
● ex “Petit Râle de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 847 (Hapalocrex).
● ex "Ypacahá ceja blanca" of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 377 (syn. Hapalocrex flaviventer).
● ex “Coucou à ventre rayé de l’Île Panay” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Hierococcyx sparverioides).
● ex “Tachurí vientre amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 171 (Pseudocolopteryx).
● ex “Tangara tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 290, fig. 2 (syn. Tangara mexicana).


Black-crested Bulbul (flaviventris)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris flaviventris
flaviventer / flaviventre / flaviventris
L. flavus  yellow, golden-yellow; venter, ventris  belly.
● ex “Ortolan à ventre jaune du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 664, fig. 2 (Emberiza).
● ex “Petit Râle de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 847 (Hapalocrex).
● ex "Ypacahá ceja blanca" of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 377 (syn. Hapalocrex flaviventer).
● ex “Coucou à ventre rayé de l’Île Panay” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Hierococcyx sparverioides).
● ex “Tachurí vientre amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 171 (Pseudocolopteryx).
● ex “Tangara tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 290, fig. 2 (syn. Tangara mexicana).

Black-crested Bulbul (vantynei)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris vantynei
Prof. Josselyn Van Tyne (1902-1957) US ornithologist, collector, Curator of Mus. of Zoology, University of Michigan 1931-1957 (syn. Arachnothera longirostra, subsp. Peucaea botterii, subsp. Pycnonotus flaviventris, syn. Taccocua leschenaultii sirkee).

Black-crested Bulbul (xanthops)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris xanthops
Gr. ξανθος xanthos  yellow; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face, eye.

Black-crested Bulbul (negatus)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris negatus
L. negatus denied, refused, suppressed < negare to refuse.

Black-crested Bulbul (johnsoni)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris johnsoni
johnsoni / johnsonii
● George Randall Johnson (1833-1919) English lawyer, cricketer, collector in Australia 1866, politician resident in New Zealand ?1866-1892 (Martin Schneider in litt.) (syn. Casuarius casuarius).
● Dr David Horn Johnson (1912-1996) US zoologist, Smithsonian Curator of Mammals 1941-1965, collector (subsp. Caprimulgus macrurus).
● Prof. Ned Keith Johnson (1932-2003) US ornithologist (subsp. Heliangelus regalis).
● Dr Hilary Richard Wright Johnson (1837-1901) Liberian statesman, President 1884-1892 (subsp. Illadopsis cleaveri).
● Prof. Oscar Walter Johnson (b. 1935) and Patricia Mary Johnson (1934-2013) US ornithologists (syn. Pluvialis fulva).
● Axel Axelson Johnson (1876-1958) Swedish Consul-Gen. for Thailand 1911-1912 (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (Pseudocolaptes, subsp. Pycnonotus flaviventris).

Black-crested Bulbul (auratus)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris auratus
auratum / auratus
L. auratus  gilded, ornamented with gold  < aurum  gold.
● ex “Barbu orangé du Pérou” of Levaillant 1806 (Capito).
● "52. CUCULUS.  ...  auratus.  8. C. cauda subforcipata, gula pectoreque nigris, nucha rubra.  Picus major, alis aureis. Catesb. car. I. p. 18. t. 18.  Habitat in Carolina.  Cauda refert Picum. Avis varia pulchra; rachis remigum primorum aurea." (Linnaeus 1758) (Colaptes).
● ex “Grenat” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Garnet-throated Hummingbird” of Latham 1782 (syn. Eulampis jugularis).
● ex “Merle de Madagascar” of Brisson 1760, and “Tanaombé” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Hartlaubius).
● ex “Merle violet du royaume de Juida” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 540, and “Gilded Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Lamprotornis purpureus).
● ex “Loriodor” of Levaillant 1808, pl. 260 (Oriolus).
● ex Charadrius apricarius Linnaeus, 1758, and “Pluvier doré à gorge noire” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Pluvialis apricarius).
● ex “Batara pardo dorado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 214 (= ♀) (syn. Thamnophilus caerulescens).

Black-crested Bulbul (elbeli)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris elbeli
Dr Robert Edwin Elbel (1925-2005) US entomologist, herpetologist in Thailand 1951-1953, 1961-1963 (subsp. Pellorneum ruficeps, subsp. Psilopogon incognitus, subsp. Pycnonotus flaviventris).

Black-crested Bulbul (caecilii)
SCI Name: Rubigula flaviventris caecilii
● Cecil Boden Kloss (1877-1949) English zoologist, Director of Raffles Mus., Singapore 1921-1936 (subsp. Pycnonotus flaviventris (ex Otocompsa flaviventris minor Kloss, 1918)).
● See: cecilii