Lord Howe Swamphen

Lord Howe Swamphen / Porphyrio albus

Lord Howe Swamphen

Here the details of the Lord Howe Swamphen named bird below:

SCI Name:  Porphyrio albus
Protonym:  Fulica alba J.voy.NewS.Wales[White] p.238
Taxonomy:  Gruiformes / Rallidae /
Taxonomy Code:  lohswa1
Type Locality:  Lord Howe Island.
Publish Year:  1790
IUCN Status:  


(Rallidae; Ϯ Purple Swamphen P. porphyrio) L. porphyrio, porphyrionis  swamphen  < Gr. πορφυριον porphurion  swamphen  < πορφυρα porphura  purple; "Porphyrio. Genus 87.  ...  Le genre de la Poule-Sultane.  Genus Porphyrionis.  ...  **1. LA POULE-SULTANE.  ...  PORPHYRIO.  ...  Elle est à peu près de la grosseur d'une Poule" (Brisson 1760): based on "Porphyrio" or "Porphyrion" of many authors, and Fulica Porphyrio, Linnaeus, 1758; "Porphyrio Brisson, Orn., 1760, 1, p. 48; 5, p. 522. Type, by tautonymy, Porphyrio Brisson = Fulica porphyrio Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 207). The Purple Swamphen has a wide distribution in the Old World from Spain to Samoa, but some of its forms may warrant specific separation, as in Peters 1934, II, who recognised P. porphyrio, P. madagascariensis, P. poliocephalus, P. pulverulentus, and the extinct P. albus.
Var. Parphyrio, Porphyrion (Gr. πορφυριον porphurion  swamphen), Porphirio
Synon. Caesarornis, Cyanornis, Glaucestes, Hydrornia, Ionornis, Jonocicca, Kentrophorina, Mantellornis, Notornis, Porphyriola, Porphyrula.

● Gr. πορφυριος porphurios  purple-clad, bright-red (syn. Habia rubica).
● L. porphyrio, porphyrionis  swamphen  < Gr. πορφυριον porphurion  swamphen, gallinule  < πορφυρα porphura  purple; "82. FULICA.  ...  Porphyrio.  3. F. fronte calva, corpore violaceo, digitis simplicibus.  Fulica major pulla, fronte cera coccinea oblongo-quadrata. Brown. jam. 479.  Porphyrio. Alb. av. 3. p. 79. t. 84. Raj. av. 116. n. 13. Edw. av. 87. t. 87. Dodart. act. 3. p. 30?  Habitat in Asia, America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Porphyrio).

L. albus  white, matt white (cf. candidus  glittering white) (see also alba).
● ex “Colibri à queue violette de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 671, fig. 2, “Colibri à queue violette” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Violet-tailed Hummingbird” of Latham 1782 (syn. Anthracothorax nigricollis).
● ex “White Eagle” of Charleton 1668, and Latham 1781, “Aquila alba cygnea” of Klein 1750, and “Aigle blanc. Aquila alba” of Brissson 1760 (syn. Aquila chrysaetos).
● ex “Corneille du Sénégal” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Corvus).
● "77. SCOLOPAX.  ...  alba.  2. S. rostro arcuato, pedibus rubris, corpore albo, alarum apicibus viridibus.  Numenius albus. Catesb. car. I. p. 82. t. 82.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Eudocimus).
● ex “White Partridge” of Edwards 1743-1751, and Ellis 1748, “Lagopede de la Baye d’Hudson” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “White Grous” of Latham 1783, and Pennant 1785 (syn. Lagopus muta).
● ex “Ourigourap” of Levaillant 1796, pl. 14 (Namaqua name Ourigourap for the Egyptian Vulture) (syn. Neophron percnopterus).
● ex “Weisser Fasan” of Goetz 1782 (syn. Phasianus colchicus).
● ex “White Gallinule” of Phillip 1789 (‡Porphyrio).
● ex “White Toucan” of Hawkesworth 1769, and “White Hornbill” of Latham 1781 (unident.).