Semicollared Puffbird

Semicollared Puffbird / Malacoptila semicincta

Semicollared Puffbird

Here the details of the Semicollared Puffbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Malacoptila semicincta
Protonym:  Malacoptila semicincta Proc.Biol.Soc.Wash. 38 p.111
Taxonomy:  Galbuliformes / Bucconidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sempuf1
Type Locality:  Hyutanahan, Rio Purus, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1925
IUCN Status:  


(Bucconidae; Ϯ White-chested Puffbird M. fusca) Gr. μαλακος malakos  soft; πτιλον ptilon  plumage, feather; "MALACOPTILA, G. R. Gray (1841).  Lypornix, Swains., et 2nd div. Wagl. (1827).  Bucco, Gm., et 1st div. Vieill. (1823).   M. fusca, (Gm.) G. R. Gray.   L. torquatus, Hahn.   B. striata, Spix, Av. Br., pl. 40. f. 2." (G. Gray 1841); "Malacoptila G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., ed. 2, 1841, p. 13. Type, by subsequent designation, Bucco fuscus Gmelin (G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 1, 1846, p. [74])." (Peters 1948, VI, 16).
Synon. Lypornix.

semicincta / semicinctus
L. semi-  half-, semi-  < semis, semissis  half  < as, assis  whole; cinctus girdled  < cingere  to encircle.