Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia

Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia / Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys

Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia

Here the details of the Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys
Protonym:  Euphonia pyrrhophrys Contrib.Orn.[Jardine] 2 p.89 pl.75 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  chbchl1
Type Locality:  Columbia? [= Bogota, fide Hellmayr, 1936, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 9, p. 12].
Publish Year:  1851
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Blue-naped Chlorophonia C. cyanea) Gr. χλωρος khlōros  green; genus Euphonia Desmarest, 1806, euphonia; "Le nom de CHLOROPHONIA pourra s'appliquer aux Euphones vertes, si remarquables par leurs formes de Procnias.   1. CHLOROPHONIA VIRIDIS, Bp. (Tanagra viridis, Vieill. — Procnias viridis, Caban. — Euphonia viridis, Gr.), Pl. col. 36, 5, ex Brasil.  ...  2. CHLOROPHONIA OCCIPITALIS, Bp. (Euphonia occipitalis, Dubus), Esq. Orn., t. 14, ex Mexico merid.  ...  3. CHLOROPHONIA PRETRII, Bp. (Tanagra pretrei, Lafr. nec Less. — Euphonia pretrei, Gr.), Mag. Zool, 1843, Ois., t. 42, ex Columbia. " (Bonaparte 1851); "Chlorophonia Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 137. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 74), Tanagra viridis Vieillot = Pipra cyanea Thunberg." (Storer in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 355).
Var. Chloreuphonia.
Synon. Acrocompsa, Triglyphidia.

Gr. πυρρος purrhos  flame-coloured, red  < πυρ pur, πυρος puros  fire; οφρυς ophrus, οφρυος ophruos  eyebrow, brow.