Southern Screamer

Southern Screamer / Chauna torquata

Southern Screamer

Here the details of the Southern Screamer named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chauna torquata
Protonym:  Chaja torquata LehrbuchNaturgesch. pt3 sec.2 p.639
Taxonomy:  Anseriformes / Anhimidae /
Taxonomy Code:  souscr1
Type Locality:  'In Paraguay, um Plata.''
Publish Year:  1816
IUCN Status:  


(Anhimidae; Ϯ Northern Screamer C. chavaria) Gr. χαυνος khaunos spongy, porous; ref. the cellules or air-sacs beneath the skin of screamers; “When any part of the skin is touched by the hand a crackling is felt” (Latham 1785); “GENUS 99. CHAUNA (χαυνος fungosus, inflatus, inanis).  ...  Species: Parra Chavaria Lin. (Chaja Azara.)  Observat. Hanc avem (uti Glareolam, Cereopsin, Dicholophum) me nondum videsse, fateor; characteres genericos itaque, quantum licuit, e descriptionibus et iconibus hausi.   Chaunam, cujus nomen inde deductum est, quod cutis etiam pedum sub tactu crepet, scilicet cellulis inanibus ipsi substratis, a Palamedea et Parra distinguendam esse, mihi persuasum habeo.” (Illiger 1811); "Chauna Illiger, Prodromus, 1811, p. 253. Type, by monotypy, Parra chavaria Linné." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 142).
Var. Chaussa, Chaima.
Synon. Chaja, Ischyrornis, Opistolophus.

L. torquatus  collared  < torques  collar, necklace  < torquere  to twist.
● ex “Pato collar negro” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 441 (syn. Callonetta leucophrys).
● ex “Guira-querea” of Ray 1713, “Tette-Chèvre du Brésil” of Brisson 1760, and “Gold-collared Goatsucker” of Latham 1783 (Hydropsalis).
● ex “Rasle à collier des Philippines” of Brisson 1760 (Hypotaenidia).
● ex “Martin-pescheur hupé du Méxique” of Brisson 1760 (Megaceryle).
● ex “Fourmilier de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 700, fig. 1 (Myrmornis).
● ex “Chouette à Collier” of Levaillant 1799, pl. 42 (syn. Pulsatrix perspicillata).
● ex “Maizi de Miacatototl” of Seba 1734, and de Buffon 1770-1783, “Manacus torquatus” of Brisson 1760, and “Collared Manakin” of Latham 1783 (unident.).