Common Bronzewing

Common Bronzewing / Phaps chalcoptera

Common Bronzewing

Here the details of the Common Bronzewing named bird below:

SCI Name:  Phaps chalcoptera
Protonym:  Columba chalcoptera IndexOrn. 2 p.604
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  combro1
Type Locality:  Norfolk Island, error, restricted to Sydney, New South Wales by Mathews, Man. Bds. Austr., 1921, p. 251.
Publish Year:  1790
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Ϯ Common Bronzewing P. chalcoptera) Gr. φαψ phaps, φαβος phabos  wild pigeon, pigeon; "We also include in this division the Bronze-winged Dove of Australia, and other kindred species, such as the Columba elegans of Temminck, and Columba picata of Wägler, to which we propose to give the generic name of Phaps, an appellation formerly bestowed by the Greeks upon some species or variety of pigeon.  ...  GENUS PHAPS, — SELBY,   IS characterized by a bill of moderate length, rather slender, the upper mandible gently deflected at the tip, and shewing an indication of a notch or emargination.  Wings of mean length, the second and third feathers the longest, and nearly equal.  Tail slightly rounded.  Legs, the tarsi as long as the middle toe, the front covered with a double row of scales, the sides and hinder part reticulated with small hexagonal scales.  The hind toe or hallux short; the inner toe exceeding the outer in length.  Claws blunt, and slightly arched.   Type Columba chalcoptera, Lath.  To this group the Columba elegans of Temminck and Columba picata of Wägler belong." (Selby 1835).
Synon. Cosmopelia.

Gr. χαλκοπτερος khalkopteros  bronze-winged  < χαλκος khalkos  bronze; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing.
● ex “Bronze-winged Pigeon” of Phillip 1789 (Phaps).

(Columbidae; syn. Turtur Tambourine Dove T. tympanistria) Gr. χαλκοπτερος khalkopteros  with wings of metallic hue, bronze-winged  < χαλκος khalkos  bronze; πτερον pteron  wing; perhaps a lapsus for Chalcopelia Bonaparte, 1855; "26. CHALCOPTERA TYMPANISTRIA (Temm.).  Peristera tympanistria, Finsch & Hartl. Vög. Ost-Afr. p. 558 (1870); Hartl. Vög. Madag. p. 271." (Shelley 1880); "Chalcoptera Shelley, 1880, Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1879), p. 678.  Type, by monotypy, Columba tympanistria Temminck, 1809." (JAJ 2021).