Olive-flanked Robin-Chat

Olive-flanked Robin-Chat / Cossypha anomala

Olive-flanked Robin-Chat

Here the details of the Olive-flanked Robin-Chat named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cossypha anomala
Protonym:  Callene anomala Ibis p.14
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ofrcha1
Type Locality:  Milanji Plateau.
Publish Year:  1893
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Chorister Robin Chat C. dichroa) Gr. κοσσυφος kossuphos  thrush; "III. FAM. MERULIDÆ.  ...  ****[Subfam.] Cossyphina.  Cossypha.†—Timalia.   ...   † I take this opportunity of characterizing one of the many forms that enter into the present subdivision of the family, for the purpose of pointing out the mode by which the Thrushes gradually pass into the Warblers.   COSSYPHA.  Rostrum mediocre, subgracile, culmine leviter arcuato; naribus basalibus, ovalibus, longitudinalibus. Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ: remige 1ma brevissima, 5ta longissima, 4ta 3tia et 2da paulatim brevioribus; 4tae 5tae et 6tae pogoniis externis leviter prope medium emarginatis.  Pedes subgracilis: tarsis scutellatis, paratarsiis integris. Cauda mediocris, rotundata.  Typus genericus. Turdus vociferans. Swains." (Vigors 1825); "Cossypha Vigors, 1825, Zool. Journ., 2, p. 396. Type, by original designation, Turdus vociferans Swainson = Muscicapa dichroa Gmelin." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 50).
Var. CassyphaCossipha, Gossypha.
Synon. Caffrornis, Hyloaedon, Marisca.

L. anomalus  anomalous, irregular  < Gr. ανωμαλος anōmalos  uneven, strange  < negative prefix αν- an- ; ομαλος omalos  even.
• " ÆTHOPYGA  ANOMALA, new species.  ...  male adult ..   .. the rump lacks the yellow band characteristic of other species of the genus, and in this respect it is unique  ... In the female of anomala the yellow rump is, strange to say, very prominent." (Richmond 1900) (subsp. Aethopyga saturata).
• "4. Ploceus anomalus Rchw. n. sp.  Von allen Ploceus-Arten durch sehr kurze erste Schwinge, welche die Handdecken nur um 3 mm überragt und sehr kurzen Schwanz ausgezeichnet; die Unterschwanzdecken reichen fast bis zur Schwanzspitze.  Durch diese Eigenschaften nähert sich die Form den Pyromelana-Arten." (Reichenow 1887) (Brachycope).
• "N.º  66: Ceraphanes anomalus W. Bertoni (gen. n.)  ...  Son tan singulares, que en mis principios estube á punto de separario de la familia; pero hoy mudé dictamen, porque la mayor parte de sus caractéres físicos se hallan esparcidos en esta variadísima familia." (W. Bertoni 1901) (syn. Conopophaga lineata vulgaris).
• "Pipra anomala, sp. nov.   ...  This remarkable new species is based on a single specimen, which at first sight looks as if it were a young bird, but upon closer examination seems to be fully adult.  The peculiar combination of characters it exhibits is paralleled by no other species of Pipra." (Todd 1925)  (Pipra aureola x Heterocercus linteatus hybrid).
• see anomalus


Olive-flanked Robin-Chat (White-bellied)
SCI Name: Cossypha anomala grotei
Hermann Grote (1882-1951) German director of sisal plantation in German East Africa 1908-1913, linguist, ornithologist (Alcippe, subsp. Anthus cinnamomeus, subsp. Crithagra mozambica, subsp. Dessonornis macclounii, subsp. Hypsipetes madagascariensis, syn. Luscinia svecica volgae, syn. Muscicapa adusta pumila, syn. Phyllastrephus fischeri, subsp. Pternistis hildebrandti, subsp. Pytilia melba, syn. Streptopelia vinacea).

Olive-flanked Robin-Chat (Black)
SCI Name: Cossypha anomala mbuluensis
Mbulu District, Tanganyika / Tanzania.

Olive-flanked Robin-Chat (Olive-flanked)
SCI Name: Cossypha anomala [anomala Group]
(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Chorister Robin Chat C. dichroa) Gr. κοσσυφος kossuphos  thrush; "III. FAM. MERULIDÆ.  ...  ****[Subfam.] Cossyphina.  Cossypha.†—Timalia.   ...   † I take this opportunity of characterizing one of the many forms that enter into the present subdivision of the family, for the purpose of pointing out the mode by which the Thrushes gradually pass into the Warblers.   COSSYPHA.  Rostrum mediocre, subgracile, culmine leviter arcuato; naribus basalibus, ovalibus, longitudinalibus. Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ: remige 1ma brevissima, 5ta longissima, 4ta 3tia et 2da paulatim brevioribus; 4tae 5tae et 6tae pogoniis externis leviter prope medium emarginatis.  Pedes subgracilis: tarsis scutellatis, paratarsiis integris. Cauda mediocris, rotundata.  Typus genericus. Turdus vociferans. Swains." (Vigors 1825); "Cossypha Vigors, 1825, Zool. Journ., 2, p. 396. Type, by original designation, Turdus vociferans Swainson = Muscicapa dichroa Gmelin." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 50).
Var. CassyphaCossipha, Gossypha.
Synon. Caffrornis, Hyloaedon, Marisca.