Rusty-breasted Nunlet

Rusty-breasted Nunlet / Nonnula rubecula

Rusty-breasted Nunlet

Here the details of the Rusty-breasted Nunlet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Nonnula rubecula
Protonym:  Bucco rubecula Av.Sp.Nov.Brasil. 1 p.51 pl.39 fig.1
Taxonomy:  Galbuliformes / Bucconidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rubnun1
Type Locality:  Malhada, Rio Sao Francisco, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1824
IUCN Status:  


(Bucconidae; Ϯ Rusty-breasted Nunlet N. rubecula) Mod. L. nonnula  nunlet, little nun  < dim. Med. L. nonna  nun  < Late Gr. νοννα nonna  nun  < νοννος nonnos  monk; "For the more debile and passerine form of Malacoptila, represented by the Bucco rubecula, Spix, and Lypornix ruficapilla, Tschudi, I propose the new generic or subgeneric appellation Nonnula, type N. rubecula (Bucco rubecula, Spix, Av. Bras. i. t. 39. fig. 1. p. 51).  The members of this section are much inferior in size to the true Malacoptilæ." (P. Sclater 1853).
Synon. Microtrogon.

Mod. L. nonnula  nunlet, little nun  < dim. Med. L. nonna  nun  < Late Gr. νοννα nonna  nun  < νοννος nonnos  monk.

Med. L. rubecula  redbreast or robin  < dim. L. ruber  red, ruddy.  Epithet also given to unrelated species with red breasts, e.g. Mergus rubecula Palmer, 1836, a new name for the Red-breasted Merganser M. serrator.
● "99. MOTACILLA.  ...  Rubecula.  28. M. grisea, gula pectoreque fulvis. Fn. svec. 226.  Rubecula. Will. orn. 160. t. 38. Raj. av. 78. n. 3. Alb. av. I. p. 49. t. 51. Frisch. av. 3. t. 19. f. 2. Olin av. 16.  Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Erithacus).
● ex "Red-breasted Tody” of Latham 1787 (Myiagra).

● (syn. Erithacus Ϯ European Robin E. rubecula) Specific name Motacilla rubecula Linnaeus, 1758; "Fünfte Sippe.  Rothkehlchen. Rubecula, Briss. (Dandalus, Boje.)  ...  1) Das Fichtenrothkehlchen. Rubecula pinetorum, Br. (S. rubecula, Lath., Mot. rubecula, Linn.)" (C. Brehm 1831).  Var. Rubecola.
● (syn. Phoenicurus Ϯ Black Redstart P. ochruros) Med. L. rubecula  robin  < dim. L. ruber  red, ruddy; "Genus Rubecula; Robin.   The robin-redbreast . . .R. familiaris    The black redstart. . .R. tithys    The common redstart . . .R. arborea   ...   The form of these birds is too well known to require a description: it is intermediate between the nightingales (Philomela) and the chats (Rubetra). It presents itself, however, under two slight modifications, which differ a little in their habits; one, exemplified in the common redstart of this country; the other, in the robin: their respective peculiarities are, however, united in the black redstart (R. tithys), which species may accordingly be selected as the standard of the genus Rubecula" (Blyth 1833).


Rusty-breasted Nunlet (simulatrix)
SCI Name: Nonnula rubecula simulatrix
L. simulatrix, simulatricis  female transformer, pretender  < simulator, simulatoris  imitator  < simulare  to make like.

Rusty-breasted Nunlet (duidae)
SCI Name: Nonnula rubecula duidae
Cerro Duida, Amazonas, Venezuela.

Rusty-breasted Nunlet (interfluvialis)
SCI Name: Nonnula rubecula interfluvialis
L. inter  between; fluvialis  of a river  < fluvius, fluvii  river  < fluere  to flow.

Rusty-breasted Nunlet (cineracea)
SCI Name: Nonnula rubecula cineracea
cineracea / cineraceum / cineraceus
L. cineraceus  ash-grey  < cinis, cineris  ashes.
● ex “Cotinga cendré” of Levaillant 1801 (syn. Lipaugus vociferans).
● ex “Cinereous Godwit” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Tringa nebularia).

Rusty-breasted Nunlet (tapanahoniensis)
SCI Name: Nonnula rubecula tapanahoniensis
Tapanahoni River, Sipaliwini, Suriname.

Rusty-breasted Nunlet (simplex)
SCI Name: Nonnula rubecula simplex
L. simplex, simplicis  simple, plain.
● ex “Simple Tern” of Latham 1785 (Phaetusa ☼).

Rusty-breasted Nunlet (rubecula)
SCI Name: Nonnula rubecula rubecula
Med. L. rubecula  redbreast or robin  < dim. L. ruber  red, ruddy.  Epithet also given to unrelated species with red breasts, e.g. Mergus rubecula Palmer, 1836, a new name for the Red-breasted Merganser M. serrator.
● "99. MOTACILLA.  ...  Rubecula.  28. M. grisea, gula pectoreque fulvis. Fn. svec. 226.  Rubecula. Will. orn. 160. t. 38. Raj. av. 78. n. 3. Alb. av. I. p. 49. t. 51. Frisch. av. 3. t. 19. f. 2. Olin av. 16.  Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Erithacus).
● ex "Red-breasted Tody” of Latham 1787 (Myiagra).