Friedmann’s Lark

Friedmann\'s Lark / Mirafra pulpa

Friedmann's Lark

Here the details of the Friedmann's Lark named bird below:

SCI Name:  Mirafra pulpa
Protonym:  Mirafra pulpa Occ.Pap.BostonSoc.Nat.Hist. 5 p.257
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Alaudidae /
Taxonomy Code:  frilar1
Type Locality:  Sagon River, Ethiopia.
Publish Year:  1930
IUCN Status:  


(Alaudidae; Ϯ Horsfield's Bush Lark M. javanica) Horsfield made great use of Javanese names, but this does not appear to be one of them (cf. Malay name Merfa for a babbler (see Malacopteron)). According to Agassiz 1842-1846, mirafra is from a native tongue. Gotch 1981, writes that the name is from L. mirus wonderful, and Afra African; the first part of this etymology may be correct, but although most forms occur in the Afrotropics Horsfield’s Bush Lark does not; "MIRAFRA ... The characters in which this genus differs from Alauda are a more robust, conical and arched bill, round nares nearly naked, and a proportionally short claw to the posterior toe. The sides of the beak, between the back (culmen) and cutting edges (tomia) are somewhat convex. In this character it has greater affinity to Fringilla than to Alauda, the bill of which is often subulate (as in Sylvia), while the nares are covered.  Mirafra, although it greatly resembles Calandra, differs from it in possessing the spurious remex, and in having the four instead of the three first remiges elongated  ...  Mirafra Javanica ...  Branjangan Javanis." (Horsfield 1821); "Mirafra Horsfield, 1821, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, pt. 1, p. 159. Type, by monotypy, Mirafra javanica Horsfield." (Peters 1960, IX, 3).    
Var. Miraffra, Mirafa, Myrafra.   
Synon. Africorys, Amirafra, Anacorys, Brachonyx, Corypha, Croteoptera, Etoimus, Geocoraphus, Megalophonus, Neomirafra, Plocealauda, Spilocorydon.

Genus Mirafra Horsfield, 1821, bush lark (syn. Mirafra javanica).

pulpa / pulpum
L. pulpa  solid flesh (e.g. heavy).
● "Of the northeast African larks, M. cantillans seems to be its closest ally, but pulpa has a larger, heavier and longer bill, and is darker above" (Friedmann 1930) (cf. L. pullus  dark-coloured) (Mirafra).
● "Similar to Parisoma plumbeum but with a much larger, more swollen bill" (Friedmann 1926) (syn. Myioparus plumbeus).