Amani Sunbird

Amani Sunbird / Hedydipna pallidigaster

Amani Sunbird

Here the details of the Amani Sunbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hedydipna pallidigaster
Protonym:  Anthreptes pallidigaster Bull.Br.Orn.Club 56 p.17
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Nectariniidae /
Taxonomy Code:  amasun2
Type Locality:  Sigi Valley, 4 miles east of Amani, northeastern Tanganyika Territory.
Publish Year:  1935
IUCN Status:  


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Pygmy Sunbird H. platura) Gr. ἡδυδειπνος hēdudeipnos  dainty-supping, sweet-eating  < ἡδυς hēdus  sweet; δειπνεω deipneō  to dine; "Gen. HEDYDIPNA nov. gen. *) Zuckerfresser.   551. 1. H. metallica Nob. — Nectarinia metallica Licht. Doubl. p. 15. No. 133. — id. Hempr. u. Ehrenb. Symb. Phys. tab. 1. — id. Rüpp. Atlas tab. 7.   id. Temm. Pl. col. tab. 547. fig. 1. 2.   ...  *) Von ἡδυδειπνος, süssspeisend. — Mit kürzerem, weniger stark gekrümmtem Schnabel und stark verlängerten mittleren Schwanzfedern.  Typus der Gruppe ist: H. platyura. — Cinnyris platura Vieill." (Cabanis 1853); "Hedydipna Cabanis, Mus. Hein. i, p. 101, 1850.  Type by original designation, Cinnyris platura Vieill." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 686).
Var. Hedidypna.
Synon. Anthodiaeta, Platydipna.

pallidigaster / pallidigastra
L. pallidus  pale  < pallere  to be pale; gaster, gasteris  belly.