Southern Antpipit

Southern Antpipit / Corythopis delalandi

Southern Antpipit

Here the details of the Southern Antpipit named bird below:

SCI Name:  Corythopis delalandi
Protonym:  Muscicapa Delalandi TraitedOrn. livr.5 p.392
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  souant1
Type Locality:  no locality; the types are from near Rio de Janeiro, fide Hellmayr, 1924, p. 34.
Publish Year:  1831
IUCN Status:  


(Tyrannidae; Southern Antpipit C. delalandi) Gr. κορυθων koruthōn, κορυθωνος koruthōnos  lark  < κορυς korus, κορυθος koruthos  helmet; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos appearance (cf. -ωπις -ōpis  -faced); “THAMNOPHILIDES.   ...   Corythopis n.g.  Myoth. calcarata Pr. Max. 9)      9) In plerisqve similis Formicivoræ, at rostrum apice minus deflexum.  Ungues sub-recti: posticus longitudine digiti.  Color fere Anthi: pectore nigro-maculato.  Kωρυθωπις, Alaudæ speciem habens.” (Sundevall 1836); "Corythopis SUNDEVALL, Kgl. Vet. Akad. Handl. for 1835, 1836, p. 93 (type [by monotypy] Myiothera calcarata WIED [= Muscicapa delalandi Lesson])." (Hellmayr, 1924, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. III, p. 34). This genus was formerly placed in Conopophagidae.
Var. Corythopsis.
Synon. Hylocentrites.

delalandei / delalandi / delalandii
Pierre Antoine Delalande (1787-1823) French naturalist, explorer, collector in Brazil 1816 and tropical Africa 1818-1822 (syn. Buteo buteo vulpinus, subsp. Chlidonias hybridaCorythopis, ‡Coua, syn. Phalacrocorax carbo lucidus, syn. Stephanoxis lalandi, Treron).