Orange-crowned Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler / Leiothlypis celata

Orange-crowned Warbler

Here the details of the Orange-crowned Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Leiothlypis celata
Protonym:  Sylvia celatus Exped.RockyMt.[James]Phila.ed. 1 p.169,note
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Parulidae /
Taxonomy Code:  orcwar
Type Locality:  Engineer Cantonment, near Council Bluffs [= Omaha, Nebraska] .
Publish Year:  1822
IUCN Status:  


(Parulidae; Ϯ Tennessee Warbler L. peregrina) Gr. λειος leios  plain; θλυπις thlupis  unknown small bird. In ornithology thlypis signifies either a thin-billed tanager or, as in this case, a parulid warbler. "No generic name has been proposed for the clade formed by the six 'plain' species ...  Therefore, I propose a new genus taxon for this clade.  Leiothlypis, gen. nov. ...  Differs from Oreothlypis plain plumage without black markings on the head, upperparts and underparts. Differs from Vermivora ...  in the plain head and wing pattern ...  The name Leiothlypis is derived from the Greek λειος, meaning plain, and the Greek θλυπις, the name of a kind of finch said to be found in the codices of Aristoteles (Stejneger 1884). The gender of the name Leiothlypis is feminine" (Sangster 2008).
Var. Leiothylypis.

celata / celatus
L. celatus  hidden  < celare  to hide.
● "This bird is distinguished by the colour of the feathers on the crown of the head, which are of a fulvous colour, tipped with the same colour as that of the neck and back, so that the fulvous colour does not appear at first sight" (Say 1822) (Leiothlypis).


Orange-crowned Warbler (celata)
SCI Name: Leiothlypis celata celata
celata / celatus
L. celatus  hidden  < celare  to hide.
● "This bird is distinguished by the colour of the feathers on the crown of the head, which are of a fulvous colour, tipped with the same colour as that of the neck and back, so that the fulvous colour does not appear at first sight" (Say 1822) (Leiothlypis).

Orange-crowned Warbler (orestera)
SCI Name: Leiothlypis celata orestera
Gr. ορεστερος oresteros  dwelling on the mountains  < ορος oros, ορεος oreos  mountain.

Orange-crowned Warbler (lutescens)
SCI Name: Leiothlypis celata lutescens
Mod. L. lutescens, lutescentis  somewhat yellowish  < L. luteus  saffron-yellow  < lutum  saffron (cf. L. lutescens, lutescentis  muddy-coloured, somewhat muddy  < lutum, luti  mud).
● ex “Buff-faced Warbler” of Latham 1783 (unident.).

Orange-crowned Warbler (sordida)
SCI Name: Leiothlypis celata sordida
L. sordidus  shabby, dirty  < sordere  to be dirty  < sordes, sordis  dirt.
● ex “Merle des Philippines” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 89 (Pitta).