Sykes’s Warbler

Sykes\'s Warbler / Iduna rama

Sykes's Warbler

Here the details of the Sykes's Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Iduna rama
Protonym:  Sylvia rama Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt2 no.18 p.89
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Acrocephalidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sykwar2
Type Locality:  Dukhun (= Deccan), India.
Publish Year:  1832
IUCN Status:  


(Acrocephalidae; Ϯ Booted Warbler I. caligata) Norse myth. Iðunn or Iduna, goddess of spring and fertility, keeper of the magic apples of rejuvenation, who was changed into a sparrow to enable her rescue by Loki, in falcon form, from the giant Þjazi or Thiassi (Raul Mohedano in litt.); "IDUNA:  235. L. CALIGATA Lichtenst. — Sylvia caligata Licht. in Eversm. Reise p. 128. — Motacilla Salicaria Pall. Zoogr. I. p. 492. n. 127.  In Russland und Sibirien strichweise in Weidengebüschen an Flüssen hin, so weit strauchartige Gewächse gedeihen, auch in Daurien beobachtet, von EVERSMANN am Ilek, einem Nebenflusse des Ural angetroffen." (von Keyserling & Blasius 1840); "Iduna Keyserling and J. H. Blasius, 1840, Wirbelthiere Europa's, p. 58. Type, by monotypy, Sylvia caligata Lichtenstein." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 78).
Synon. Chloropeta, Jerdonia, Psaltria.

Hindu myth. Rama, the incarnation of Vishnu (Iduna, syn. Siva cyanouroptera).