Crested Pigeon

Crested Pigeon / Ocyphaps lophotes

Crested Pigeon

Here the details of the Crested Pigeon named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ocyphaps lophotes
Protonym:  Columba lophotes Pl.Col. livr.24 pl.142
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  crepig1
Type Locality:  New Holland, i.e. New South Wales.
Publish Year:  1822
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Ϯ Crested Pigeon O. lophotes) Gr. ωκυς ōkus  fleet, quick; φαψ phaps, φαβος phabos  pigeon; "[APPENDIX] 75. Geopelia, near this genus add  OCYPHAPS, Gould (1842).  O. lophotes (Temm.), Gould" (G. Gray 1842); "Genus OCYPHAPS.   Gen. char. —  Caput crista occipitali elongata. Alæ paulo breves, remige tertia gradatim ad apicem coarctata. Cauda mediocriter elongata, et rotundata.  ...  Type, Columba Lophotes, Temm." (Gould 1842); "A genus consisting of a single species whose natural habitat is the interior of Australia, over the vast expanse of which its long pointed wings enable it to pass at pleasure from one district to another  ...  Its flight is so rapid as to be unequalled by those of any member of the group to which it belongs; an impetus being acquired by a few quick flaps of the wings, it goes skimming off apparently without any further movement of the pinions." (Gould 1865).
Var. Ocyphas.
Synon. Lophaon.

Gr. λοφωτος lophōtos crested < λοφος lophos crest.
● ex “Muscicapa lophotes” of Temminck MS, and Boie 1826 (nom. nud.) (Knipolegus).

(syn. Aviceda Ϯ Black Baza A. leuphotes) Specific name Falco lophotes Temminck, 1820 (= Aviceda leuphotes); "Sous-genre. LOPHOTE; Lophotes.   ...  20. LOPHOTE INDIEN; Lophotes indicus: Hobereau huppart, Falco lophotes, Temm., pl. 10.  Bec et tarses plombés; tête et cou bleu-noir, plusieurs longues plumes implantées dans l'occiput et roides" (Lesson 1831).


Crested Pigeon (whitlocki)
SCI Name: Ocyphaps lophotes whitlocki
Frederick Bulstrode Lawson Whitlock (1860-1953) English ornithologist, entomologist, field naturalist, collector who settled in Australia 1901 (subsp. Acanthiza apicalis, syn. Daphoenositta chrysoptera pileata, syn. Gerygone tenebrosa christophori, syn. Glossoptila porphyrocephala, subsp. Hylacola cauta, syn. Melithreptus lunatus chloropsis, syn. Ocyphaps lophotes, syn. Pardalotus punctatus, syn. Peltohyas australis, syn. Platycercus icterotis).

Crested Pigeon (lophotes)
SCI Name: Ocyphaps lophotes lophotes
Gr. λοφωτος lophōtos crested < λοφος lophos crest.
● ex “Muscicapa lophotes” of Temminck MS, and Boie 1826 (nom. nud.) (Knipolegus).