Buff-crested Bustard

Buff-crested Bustard / Eupodotis gindiana

Buff-crested Bustard

Here the details of the Buff-crested Bustard named bird below:

SCI Name:  Eupodotis gindiana
Protonym:  Eupodotis Gindiana Bull.Soc.Philom.(7), 5 p.164
Taxonomy:  Otidiformes / Otididae /
Taxonomy Code:  bucbus1
Type Locality:  East Africa between Somaliland and Zanzibar.
Publish Year:  1881
IUCN Status:  


(Otididae; Ϯ Senegal Bustard E. senegalensis) Gr. ευπους eupous, ευποδος eupodos  swift of foot  < ευ eu  perfection; πους pous, ποδος podos  foot; ωτις ōtis, ωτιδος ōtidos  bustard; "14e genre OUTARDE, Otis, L.  ...  3e sous-genre Eupodotis.  Quatorze espèces: O. rhaad, O. arabs, O. afra, O. afraoides, O. Denhami, O. nuba, O. caffra, O. cœrulescens, O. Vigorsii, O. melanogaster, O. ferox, O. scolopacea, O. Senegalensis, O. nigriceps." (Lesson 1839); "Eupodotis Lesson, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 47. Type, by subsequent designation, Otis rhaad Rüppell not of Gmelin = Otis senegalensis Vieillot. (Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 64.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 222).
Synon. Trachelotis.

Abdou or Abden Gindi (fl. 1880) Egyptian explorer, collector in Zanzibar, Abyssinia and Somaliland (Lophotis).