Night Parrot

Night Parrot / Pezoporus occidentalis

Night Parrot

Here the details of the Night Parrot named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pezoporus occidentalis
Protonym:  Geopsittacus occidentalis Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.100
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  nigpar2
Type Locality:  West Australia.
Publish Year:  1861
IUCN Status:  


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Ground Parrot P. wallicus) Gr. πεζοπορος pezoporos  walking, going on foot  < πεζοπορεω pezoporeō  to walk  < πεζος pezos  walking; πορος poros  means of achieving; "GENUS 2. PEZOPORUS  (πεζοπορος  pedester)  (Erdsittich Germ.).  Rostrum mediocre, crassum; Maxilla basi ceromate parvo, apice adunca; Mandibula brevior, ascendens, infra convexa.  Nares in ceromate prope rostri basin sitae.  Lingua . . . .   Pedes scansorii; Tarsus digitum anticum certe aequans.  Digiti externi internis longiores. Tarsotheca reticulata; Acrodactyla scutulata.  Ungues falculae rectiusculae.   Species: Psittacus formosus Lath. (Perruche ingambe LeVaillant)." (Illiger 1811); "Pezoporus Illiger, Prodromus, 1811, p. 201. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus formosus Latham 1790, not of Scopoli 1769 = Psittacus wallicus Kerr." (Peters 1937, III, 272).  
Var. Pezophorus, Pezeporus.
Synon. Geopsittacus.

occidentale / occidentalis
L. occidentalis  western  < occidens, occidentis  west  < occidere  to set. This toponym was frequently given to taxa discovered in locations west of previously known populations.
● Cocal, Western Andes, Colombia (Dysithamnus).
● Jamaica; ex “Onocrotalus” or “Pelecanus fuscus” of Sloane 1725, “Pelican of America” of Edwards 1747, and “Pelecanus” of Browne 1756 (Pelecanus).
● TL. Day Dawn, Western Australia; "Westralian Wedgebill" (Mathews 1912) (Psophodes).