Red-naped Bushshrike
Red-naped Bushshrike
Here the details of the Red-naped Bushshrike named bird below:
SCI Name:
Protonym: Dryoscopus ruficeps Ibis p.402 pl.10
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Malaconotidae / Laniarius
Taxonomy Code: renbus1
Type Locality: Somaliland; type from Burao, 70 miles south of Berbera (Shelley, 1912, Birds Afr., 5, p. 299).
Author: Shelley
Publish Year: 1885
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Malaconotidae; Ϯ Yellow-crowned Gonolek L. barbarus) Genus Lanius Linnaeus, 1758, shrike; "128. GONOLEK, Laniarius. Lanius, Linn. Gm. Lath. Bec nu à la base, un peu grêle, convexe en dessus, droit, comprimé; mandibule supérieure échancrée et crochue vers le bout; l'inférieure aiguë et retroussée à la pointe. — Bouche ciliée. — Ailes à penne bâtarde; le deuxe. remige la plus longue. Esp. Gonolek, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Laniarius Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 41. Type, by monotypy, "Gonolek" Buffon = Lanius barbarus Linnaeus." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 326).
Var. Lanairius, Lanarius, Lanirius.
Synon. Diplophoneus, Pelecinius, Rhynchastatus, Thamnocataphus.
L. rufus red, ruddy; -ceps -headed < caput, capitis head.
● ex “Tordo del corona de canela” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 72 (syn. Chrysomus ruficapillus).
Red-naped Bushshrike (rufinuchalis)
SCI Name: Laniarius ruficeps rufinuchalis
L. rufus rufous; Mod. L. nuchalis naped < Med. L. nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.
Red-naped Bushshrike (ruficeps)
SCI Name: Laniarius ruficeps ruficeps
L. rufus red, ruddy; -ceps -headed < caput, capitis head.
● ex “Tordo del corona de canela” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 72 (syn. Chrysomus ruficapillus).
Red-naped Bushshrike (kismayensis)
SCI Name: Laniarius ruficeps kismayensis
Kismayu, Jubaland, Italian Somaliland / Somalia.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)